Jha, S.K.Thakur, Supriya2020-10-272020-10-272020https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810153785EFFECT OF CROP GEOMETRY AND NITROGEN LEVELS ON GROWTH, PRODUCTIVITY AND FODDER QUALITY OF BABY CORN (Zea mays L.)An experiment was conducted on vertisol during Rabi 2019 the present investigation entitled “Effect of crop geometry and nitrogen levels on growth, productivity and fodder quality of baby corn (Zea mays L.)” at the Research Instructional cum Farm, IGKV, Raipur (C.G.). The investigation was carried out in split plot design with three replications with four levels of crop geometries and three doses of nitrogen. The results of experiment on response of crop geometries and nitrogen levels revealed that all parameters of growth like number of leaves , leaf area, stem girth , crop growth rate leaf area index, dry matter accumulation, N uptake in fodder, was found significantly higher in planting geometry of 60 x 20 cm and all these characters were also found superior under treatments receiving 125 kg N ha-1where as plant population , plant height ,husk : baby corn ratio, per day productivity of green and dry fodder,stages of phenologies like days taken to 50 % tasselling , days to 50% silking, days taken to harvest initiation,days taken to harvest completion, fodder yield were significantly higher in the planting geometry of 30 x 20 cm and under treatments receiving nitrogen level of 125 kg N ha-1, number of young cobs / plant , cob diameter with and without husk , cob weight with and without husk,N content in cob and fodder , cob length with and without husk,crude protein yield in cob and fodder ,cob yield and harvest index was observed in planting geometry of 50 x 20 cm and at the application of 125 kg nitrogen ha-1. Planting geometry of 50 x 20 cm with 125 kg nitrogen ha-1 gives maximum gross monetary returns (Rs. 198576 ha-1), net monetary returns (Rs. 154337 ha-1) and benefit cost ratio of 2.5 .Additionally , the spacing of 50 x 20cm application of nitrogen i.e 125 N kg ha-1 was found to be economical as it gave highest monetary benefits and B:C ratio.EnglishEFFECT OF CROP GEOMETRY AND NITROGEN LEVELS ON GROWTH, PRODUCTIVITY AND FODDER QUALITY OF BABY CORN (Zea mays L.)Thesis