Dubey, M.K.Gabhane, Meenakshi2016-07-202016-07-202014http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/69014ABSTRACT The information sources play a key role in ensuring food security and sustainable agriculture. The demonstrations, agricultural scientists, friends, extension workers, trainings, television, radio, relatives etc. are the main sources of information by creating socio information support system to identify the problem of the farmers so that the need based information through information sources may be provided and also to established its utility among farmers there by resulting. Rice is one of the most important and largest growing crop through out the country as a food grain. The ultimate success of any developmental programme depends on the extent to which the farmers adopt the new ideas and practices. The new system of rice cultivation (SRI) came in India in the year of 2003-04 in Andhra Pradesh at first. Balaghat division of M.P. is one of the important paddy growing region of Madhya Pradesh with a view to enhance economic benefit from paddy cultivation with the adoption of System of Rice Intensification method of paddy cultivation, the scientist of K.V.K. and all agriculture departments demonstrated this technology on the field of farmers. The present study “A study on utilization of information sources by System of Rice Intensification (SRI) growers in Balaghat block of District Balaghat (M.P.)” has been undertaken with the following specific objectives :- 1. To know the profile of SRI growers. 2. To study the utilization pattern of different sources and channels of agriculture information used by SRI growers. 3. To assess the relationship between the profile of selected SRI growers with their utilization pattern of sources and channels. 4. To find out the problems faced by the paddy growers in adoption of SRI method and suggestions to overcome them. Methodology: For fulfillment of these objectives, the study was conducted in ten randomly selected villages of Balaghat block of Balaghat district where the SRI method of paddy cultivation has been popularized among the paddy growers by KVK, Balaghat. The data were collected using survey method through a pre-tested interview schedule and responses were recorded. Collected data were then tabulated and analyzed using percentage, mean, rank order, correlation and standard deviation. Conclusions: 1. Profile of SRI growers: As regards the profile of SRI growers are concerned, the finding of study can be summarized that majority of SRI growers (55.00%) belonged to middle age group (37-55 year). In case of socio-personal and economic attributes, most of the respondents (50.00%) belonged to middle level of socio-economic status. More than 55 per cent of SRI growers had medium economic motivation and medium level of scientific orientation, above 60.00 per cent of SRI growers had medium market orientation. More than 45 per cent of the SRI growers secured high knowledge level and high percentage of adoption level. More than 60 per cent of SRI growers were having high attitude towards SRI method, nearly three-fourth (70.00%) of SRI growers were having medium irrigation status, 60.00 per cent of the respondents were having low annual income (Rs.50000/- to 200000/-). In relation to the production level of SRI growers, it was found that the majority of the SRI growers had medium production level (61 to 80 q.). 2. Utilization pattern of different sources and channels of agricultural information used by SRI growers: In relation to the utilization of information sources by SRI growers it was found that majority of SRI growers were having high utilization of information sources. 3. Relationship between the profile of selected SRI growers with their utilization pattern of sources and channels: Relationship between socio-economic status, economic motivation, attitude towards SRI, annual income, production, knowledge level and adoption level of SRI growers had significant relationship with utilization of information sources, while age, scientific orientation, market orientation and irrigation status of SRI growers were found to be non-significant relationship with utilization of information sources. 4. Problems faced by paddy growers in adoption of SRI method and suggestions to overcome them : The major problems reported by the paddy growers were labours are not available at the time of transplanting as major problem in adoption of SRI method of paddy cultivation which received rank I, followed by inadequate supply of electricity, lack of knowledge about insect and disease, lack of knowledge about improved seed and lack of appropriate knowledge about land preparation. Similarly, the main suggestions given by paddy growers for adoption of SRI method of paddy cultivation were that to follow the guideline of extension workers and agriculture department, maximum personal contact with agriculture functionaries, demonstration should be conducted on farmers’ field by agriculture department, regular listening of radio programme, visit of RAEOs should be regular. Suggestions for further research work: The following suggestions are proposed for further research work : Similar studies may be conducted in the paddy zone area to verify the present findings by considering following points – 1. A separate study on assessment to knowledge and adoption components of SRI system of paddy cultivation should be conducted. 2. Assessment of adoption gap of paddy growers. 3. Assessment of problems in adoption of recommended components of SRI system. 4. The further study should be planned according to situational and infrastructure variables. 5. The investigator should collect the data after establishing the rapport with the SRI growers and must verify from the needed secondary data of office record from the concerned departments, cooperative societies and input dealers. * * *enrice, biological phenomena, tillage equipment, productivity, manpower, economics, irrigation, marketing, sowing, land resourcesA Study on utilization of information sources by system of rice intensification (SRI) Growers in balaghat Block of district balaghat (M.P.)Thesis