Jaybhaye, P.R.Parveen Kumar2023-01-062023-01-062022-12-2722065https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810191371Evapotranspiration is the integrated process of evaporation and transpiration and is affected by meteorological variables, crop characteristics, and management practices, as well as environmental characteristics. There have been many studies into the estimation of PET around the world. PET computation is of immense importance for irrigation scheduled in crop production. The present study was carried out at Department of Agricultural Meteorology, VNMKV Parbhani, to compute Spatial and temporal trend analysis of evapotranspiration at different location of Maharahtra viz. all nine agro-climatic zones. The meteorological data i.e., maximum and minimum temperature was collected from Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Parbhani, India Meteorological Department (official website), and related sites.The Month wise daily potential evapotranspiration had showed highest in May and lowest in January. Kharifhad increasing trend of PET at all station with significant increasing trends. For the state of Maharashtra as a whole 4.7 mm/day was found as a normal annual potential evapotranspiration, likewise Season - wise daily normal are 5.0 mm/day in Kharif, 3.0 mm/day in Rabi, 2.4 mm/day in winter, 6.9 mm/day in pre monsoon, 5.2 mm/day in monsoon and 3.2 mm/day in post monsoon period on the basis of average of all station under study. Highest (5.7 mm) annual Potential evapotranspiration was found in Central Vidarbha Zone where is lowest (3.7 mm) in Western Maharashtra Plain Transition Zone II.The present research study, will be helpful to use various applications including irrigation scheduling, drought monitoring, and understanding climate change impacts on potential evapotranspiration.EnglishSpatial and temporal trend analysis of potential evapotranspiration under different agro-climatic zones of MaharashtraThesis