R.S.PatilCHAUDHARI GANESH JAGNNATH2023-10-122023-10-122009https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810198745Investigation was conducted for critical assessment of stability in Lucerne (Medicago sativa). Ten genotypes including one check variety (RL-88) were evaluated at AICRP . on forage crops, MPKV, Rahuri, Maharashtra in three seasons. Five cuts were taken in summer 2008 and six cuts were taken in Kharifand Rabi- 2008 season each.Data were recorded on the traits viz., plant height, internode length, number of tillers, leaf length, leaf breadth, green forage yield, dry forage yield, crude protein (%), crude fiber (%), crude protein yield, ADF (%) and NDF (%). Significant G x E interaction was observed for plant height, internode length, green forage yield, dry forage yield, crude protein(%) and ADF (%). The linear component of G x E interaction was highly significant for plant height (em), GFY and DFY when tested against pooled error, where as it was high significant for the traits crude protein (%) and ADF (%) when tested against pooled deviation. The non linear components of G x E interaction (pooled deviation) ·was found to be highly significant for plant height (em), green forage yield (qjha) and dry forage yield (q/ha). In present investigation the genotypes RLH-4 (plant height, and dry forage yield), RL-88 [plant height and crude protein (%)], RLP-06-03 (green forage yield and dry forage yield). The genotypes RLP-06-03, 01, 05, RL - 88 (internode length) and RLH-2 [dry forage yield and ADF (%)1 were found to be promising and hadEnglish"STABILITY ANALYSIS IN LUCERNE (Medicago sativa L.)"Thesis