Kuruvila, VarugheseDurga, TKAU2018-12-012018-12-011994http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810084957An experiment was conducted in the instructional Farm attached to the College of Agriculture, Vellayani during kharif 1993 to find out the possibilities of economizing the use of nitrogen for brinjal utilizing nitrification inhibitors. The different treatments tried involved the combinations of three levels of nitrogen viz, 75 kg, N ha-1 (n3), 56.25 kg. N ha-1 (n2) and 37.50 kg. N ha-1(n1) and four sources of nitrification inhibitors viz., ordinary prilled urea (s1), neem cake mixed urea (s2), neem cake coated urea (s3) and coal tar coated urea (s4). The experiment was conducted as a factorial randomized block design with three replications. The results of the study revealed that levels of nitrogen exerted a profound influence on all the growth characters, yield attributes and uptake of nitrogen by the crop. With increasing levels of nitrogen from 37.50 to 75 kg. ha-1 the height of the plant, number of branches per plant, number of leaves per plant, LAI, RGR, DMP, number of flowers and fruits per plant, fruit characters viz., length, girth, volume and weight of fruits, yield and nitrogen uptake, markedly increased. Sources of nitrification inhibitors also showed a significant influence on most of the growth characters and yield attributes. Among the sources tried, neem cake mixed urea (s2) showed its superiority with respect to number of branches and leaves per plant, DMP, number of flowers and fruits per plant, percentage of fruit set and yield. The different sources of nitrification inhibitors did not show any variation in the uptake of nutrients by the crop and also on the available nitrogen status of the soil at different intervals. The economic analysis through partial budgeting indicated that a return of 1.73 per rupee invested was obtained by using 75 kg. N ha-1, and 1.57 and 1.01 by using 56.25 and 37.50 kg. N ha-1 respectively. Among the sources of nitrification inhibitors tried, neem cake mixed urea gave a maximum return per rupee of 1.60 followed by coal tar coated urea (1.42), neem cake coated urea (1.41) and ordinary prilled urea (1.32).ennullEconomising nitrogen in brinjal using nitrfication inhibitorsThesis