B.P.JainAnupam Bharti2024-07-112024-07-112000https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211797Tomato (Lycopersion esculentum Mill) is native to peru and mexico. It is well known popular vegetable for vegetarian as well as non vegetable dishes. It is used as a fresh vegetable and also cooked with several other vegetable. From nutritive point of view, it is a very nutritious, since it is rich in vitamin A (1000IU),Vitamin B (0.20mg),vitamin C(23)m gm), Oxalic acid (7.5m gm), potassium (268 mMg) and phosphorus (27m mg)with dry matter content of 5.5 per cent. Two sowing of tomato is done in North India. First in June – july for the autumn and November-December for the spring season. It is grown mainly during Rabi due to good fruit quality, but there is very few knowledge about their performance in different agro-climate conditions regarding yield potentialities and morphological character during Kharif season. Hence the experiment entitled “comparative performance of tomato(Lycopersion esculentum Mill) lines in rainy season ” was conducted in the cropping year 1999. In this experiment, the same seed rate as well as similar standard cultural practices were adopted for all 30 lines of tomato .All treatments were replied twice in a Randomized block Design during the course of investigation. Maximum plant height (57.00cm)was recorded in Arka Abha. The number of leaves and branches was recorded in line EC-320571 with 70 and 13.64, respectively. Maximum weight of individual fruit (66.06g) was found in line EC-339074 which also attained the maximum yield per plant (6.792 Kg) and also yield per hectare (176.01). In qualitative characters, maximum juice percentage (84.63).TSS(6.68 Brix ) and fruit acidity (0.73%) were found in lines EC-238308, CH-24 and CH-25, respectively .Maximum number of locules (05) were found in CH-24 and CH-22. The line EC -339074 gave maximum yield and economic return (Rs.78,005) under same management and cultural operations with comparatively lessor wilting (11.745%) Among other lines tested EC-369060 and CH-28 gave higher yield 155.16 and 153.13 q/ha and consequently higher return also with Rs67.580 and Rs 66.560 respectively .These two lines had also less affected by wilt with 13.45 per cent. In all the characters, the variability was good enough expect plant height and number of flower and fruit per tree . The genotypic (@g )variances were found maximum for yield per hectare (1040.737, 1042.483), PCV, GCV and GA as per cent of mean was maximum in character wilting percentage (47.769, 47,465 and 97.155 ) Respectively. The Yield per plot is highly and positively correlated with individual fruit weight and yield per Plant . Thus it may be concluded that the line EC-339074 was found most suitable for farmer in Kharif season because there was less percentage of wilting (11.74) in adverse climatic condition and good yield with considerable economic return.EnglishComparative Performance of Tomato ( Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.) Lines as A Rainy Season CropThesis