George ChandySAMUEL GEORGE2020-07-172020-07-172017 (Cuon alpinus) distribution and prey composition in South Wayanad Forest Division was studied from May 2017 to July 2017. Dhole scats were collected from the forest trails and roads. A total of 28 selected trails with length of 138.94 km were surveyed in the study area. Encounter rate of Dhole scats across habitat varied, with higher encounter rate in the Shola grassland (1.76/km), followed by Tea and Cardamom plantation. The average encounter rate of Dhole scats for the entire study was 2.74 scats per kilometer. A total of 80 Dhole scat samples were collected during the study period. Prey species were identified based on macroscopic and microscopic features of the hair from scats in comparison with standard reference slides made from the hair samples collected from known species. Coprological analysis found 12 species as Dhole’s prey belonging to different size classes, this supports the view that Dholes are opportunistic predators feeding on available prey species. Twenty five per cent of the scats samples were found to be having multiple prey species. The relative contribution of each prey species got stabilized in the diets of Dhole at 65th scat sample. The total diversity based on Brillouin’s index of diversity of prey species was 0.55. Sambar (70%) was the principal prey species which is the most common and the largest ungulate in the study area over other prey species, followed by Wild pig (35%). Dholes occasionally prey upon domestic cattle, which constituted 1.25% of Dhole diet. The lesser per cent of livestock in the diet of Dhole indicating lower level of conflict by Dhole in the study area. Land use changes and conversion of revenue forest areas into human habitation are threats to Dhole and its prey species in South Wayanad Forest DivisionennullDHOLE (Cuon alpinus) DISTRIBUTION AND PREY COMPOSITION IN SOUTH WAYANAD FOREST DIVISION, KERALAThesis