Devendra PrasadNiraj Kumar2024-08-302024-08-302003 approaches were adopted during rabi 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 in the research farm of Birsa Agriculture university ,Ranchi for the management of gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) infesting chickpea. Higher levels of the larval population were obtained between 22 nd Feb and 15 March 2002 under the influence of maximum temperature ranging from 27.2degree c to 29.6 c as well as minimum temperature (11.2-12.5degree c) coupled with rainfall about 16,14.6 and 15.8 mm received during the month of January ,February and March 2002, Respectively. Phule G-92926 showed moderately resistant reaction against H. armigera. Tolerant rection was recorded in IPC-98-12, RSKG-7 GJG-9804, Phule G-45421, MPJGK-2, PBG-204, BG-1106, BG-1053, H-98-155 and H-97-23. Larval reductions ranging from 31.75 to 51.50 percent was recorded on chickpea intercopped with linseed (2:1) while 28.29 to 51.50percent was obtained on chickpea sown on 6th November as compared to 7th December sowing. However, endosulfan 35 EC proved to be responsible for higher reduction ranging from 70.80 to 88.35 percent closely followed by HANPV (60.22-82.02% ) and vanguard (51.82-75.70%). Chickpea + linseed (2.1) was also responsible for producing 20.73 percent more yield whereas 40.28 percent additional yield was obtained in 6th Novermer sowing in Comparison to 7th December sowing. A separate trial conducted on biopesticided also indicated similar results. Larval reductions of H. armigera ranging from 72.95 to 87.81 percent, 63.63 to 79.37 percent, 56.13 to 79.37 percent, 60.45 to 78.12 percent , 54.77 to 75.93 percent, 57.50 to 75.00percent, 54.77 to 73.90 percent and 51.82 to 73.90 percent were obtained by the application of endosulfan , Bt biolep, HaNAV, Rakshak gold, Halt, cartap hydrochloride an vanguard, respectively. These insecticides were also responsible for reduced pod damage and higher grain yield of chickpea (71.52- 81.68 % more yield over control.EnglishIntegrated Management Of Pod Borer Infesting ChickpeaThesis