Sangwan, VeenuRaveena Rani2023-07-182023-07-182022-07 present study was conducted in Fatehabad district, Haryana to assess the nutritional and health status of young women, with and without polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and to determine the impact of nutrition education on knowledge gain of young women with PCOS. Among PCOS respondents 52.0, 44.0 and 4.0 percent were in the age group of 19 to 25, 26 to 32 and 33 to 40 years, respectively. All PCOS (100.0%) and 94.0 percent of normal respondents were Hindu while only 6.0 percent respondents were Sikh. It was observed that 52.0 percent of the PCOS respondents were students, whereas 46.0 and 2.0 percent were housewife and in service, respectively. Maximum (82.0 to 94%) of respondents were vegetarian. It was found that maximum number (34.0%) of PCOS respondents preferred spicy food followed by fried (30.0%), junk (12.0%), fruit juice (8.0%), salty (6.0%), sweet (6.0%) and soft drink (4.0%). The prevalence of obesity, sleep disorder, depression and food allergy was higher in young women with PCOS than without PCOS (normal). BMI (24.03kg/m2), waist (85.03cm), hip (103.81cm) and MUA (14.16 inch) circumference of women with PCOS were significantly higher than of women without PCOS (normal). The waist to height ratio of women with PCOS was significantly higher than that of women without PCOS. The hirsutism score indicated that the young women with PCOS had moderate (30.0%) and severe (2.0%) m F-G scores. Among cereals, wheat was consumed daily by all the subjects with and without PCOS and consumption of Bengal gram dal, black gram dal, green gram dal and red gram dal was very common. Onion, potato and tomato were the major part of the daily diets of all the respondents. It was found that fruits were not part of the daily diet of many of the subjects. The milk and milk products and sugar were consumed almost daily by respondents. The consumption of pulses, green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, roots and tubers, fats and oils and fruits was significantly lower among sedentary young women with and without PCOS (normal) compared to RDI. The intake of milk and milkproducts of women were significantly higher than RDI. The results indicated significantly higher consumption of sugar and jaggery by women, with PCOS, compared to RDI. There were no significant difference in the energy, protein, fat, thiamine, niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid, vit. C, iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc intake of women with and without PCOS (normal). However it was observed that the mean daily intake of riboflavin and vitamin A was significantly lower in women suffering from PCOS compared to normal women. After imparting nutrition education to them there was increase in their knowledge scores. From the present study it is concluded that early diagnosis and treatment of PCOS is pivotal for normal health, well being and improved nutritional status of young women suffering from PCOSEnglishAssessment of nutritional and health status of young women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in Fatehabad district, HaryanaThesis