NATARAJAN, A.SRINIVASAN, R.2017-06-222017-06-222009-08-15Th-9365, characterization, classification and suitability evaluation of soils of cashew growing areas of Southern Karnataka was carried out in Dakshina Kannada district. Six pedons were studied throughout the major cashew growing areas of Dakshina Kannada district representing the major climatic zones. The study area has got favourable climatic factors except rainfall that are highly suitable for cashew cultivation. Horizon wise soil samples were analyzed for soil morphological, physical and chemical properties classified and evaluated for their suitability for growing cashew. Among the soil-site characteristics, texture, coarse fragments and physiography were found to be medium to highly suitable for cashew cultivation. The soils were sandy clay loam to clay in texture, very deep in depth, dark brown to red in colour, strongly to moderately acidic in soil reaction, medium to high organic carbon status and low cation exchange capacity and base saturation. Among the exchangeable bases, exchangeable calcium was found to be low in most soils, followed by magnesium, sodium and potassium. Further, the soils were medium to high in available nitrogen, very low in available phosphorus, medium to high in available potassium and low to medium in available sulphur. Among the DTPA extractable micronutrients, iron and manganese were rich in most soils, which available zinc was deficient. Based on the characteristics, these cashew soils were classified as Ustic Haplohumults, Oxic Dystrustepts, Rhodic Kanhaplustults, Ustic Palehumults and Typic Paleustults. Soils of Pala hillock, Muchipadavu and Agricultural Research Station (ARS) Ullal were highly suitable for cashew cultivation with no or slight limitations, where as sites of National Research Centre for Cashew (NRCC) farm, Mulia and Palikudel have got moderate limitations of either of high rainfall, low soil depth, coarse fragments or topography. All other factor remained highly suitable to cashew.ennullCHARACTERIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF MAJOR CASHEW GROWING SOILS OF SOUTHERN KARNATAKA USING REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUEThesis