P.N.SahayHimanshu Singh2024-07-152024-07-152001https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/58102119991. This technique of transfixation provides an effective means of accurate reduction and rigid fixation of long bones without any danger of slough or chafing. 2. Both the fragments of the fractured bone are virtually locked by this fixation device, hence the possibility of rotation of distal fragment is eliminated in large majority of the cases. 3. The whole set-up provides free access to the traumatized bone, so this technique is particularly efficacious for compound fractures and those fractures of limbs which have been severely denuded. 4.During the healing phase of osseous defect, free use of the affected limb is facilitated due to lightness of the fixation device and non-involvement of the preceeding and succeeding joints. 5. Four pin assembly is markedly superior to 3 pin assembly in terms of carly accomplishment of pain free mobility, weight bearing and radiographic evidence of healing. 6. healing. Stainless steel Steinmann pins can be safely employed for transverse placement in the predrilled ossous bore canals without the risk of impairing the functional status of the bone, if strict aseptic precautions are observed. 7. Aluminium template connecting bar of 1 mm thickness would be more suited in the endeavour like this in goats of heavier size in comparison to the one of 0.56 mm thickness used in the present studyEnglishPercutaneous Transfixation for long Bone fracture in Goats -A- Modified TechniqueThesis