Rajinder, PeshinKumar, Yogesh2016-10-212016-10-212013J-06-D-69-Ahttp://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/81232Ph.D ThesisThe present study entitled, “A multi-dimensional study on production and management system of apiculture farming in Jammu region” was conducted in four districts Jammu, Kathua, Rajouri and Ramban of the Jammu region. A sample of 210 beekeepers were selected by proportionate random sampling method from the selected four districts. The respondents were selected by proportionate random sampling method. The study was aimed at identifying socio-personal attributes of apicultural farmers, their knowledge , adoption of beekeeping practices, their training needs, constraints perceived by them and finally to evaluate the remunerativeness of the apiculture enterprise. The results of the study reveal that average experience of beekeepers in this profession was 7.91 years. As far as training of the respondents was concerned, fellow beekeepers were the main source of training (66.19%) for the respondents followed by State Agriculture Department (57.61%). The knowledge gap about different aspects of beekeeping enterprise was significant. The beekeepers required training mainly in the aspects of bee breeding, bee biology and bee enemies. Training needs about apiculture practices expressed by the beekeepers were about: honey testing, rearing of queen bees, method of wax production and control of insect pests. Out of the sampled respondents, beekeeping enterprise was started by some respondents in 1967. The rate of adoption formed S-shaped rate of adoption curve. Over time there has been increase in the bee colonies of the sampled beekeepers. With the increase in size of unit, the net income of bee keepers has increased. There was a significant difference in the net income of small and large beekeepers. The bee keeping generated an additional net income of 2.25 crores per annum for 210 sampled beekeepers and if extrapolated for 905 beekeepers in the selected districts of the division, more than 10.90 crores income is generated per annum. The mean outputinput ratio of beekeeping was 9.04. The major constraints faced by the beekeepers include high cost of equipment (92.38%), disease and honey bee enemies (93.33%), lack of state government support (82.85%), public disputes due to bee sting (83.33%) and lack of honey processing unit (68.57%).enBEEKEEPING, BEEKEEPERS, KNOWLEDGE, ADOPTION, CONSTRAINTS, TRAINING NEEDS, ECONOMIC BENEFITS, OUTPUT-INPUT RATIOA MULTI-DIMENSIONAL STUDY ON PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF APICULTURE FARMING IN JAMMU REGIONThesis