GANESH KUMAR, BPRAVEEN REDDY, B2020-11-022020-11-022020D10,491 view of the fact that nearly 22-25 per cent of the potential food production is lost in India (The Hindu, 2015) due to the damage caused by the insect pest, plant pathogens, weeds, rodents, birds etc., the use of pesticides has become absolutely essential. Hence, the pesticide industry in India has a vital role in the economy of the country. The Indian crop protection industry is estimated to be USD 4.25 billion in FY14 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12 per cent to reach USD 7.5 billion by FY19. The industry is dominated by insecticides which contribute to 60 per cent of the overall demand, followed by fungicides, herbicides and rodenticides/nematicides which account for 18 per cent, 16 per cent and 6 per cent of the demand respectively. Top 20 agro chemical companies share 80 per cent in the Indian agro chemical market. The market share of large players depends primarily on product portfolio and introduction of new molecules. The study has been taken up with the following objectives. - To estimate the trends in pesticide consumption in maize and rice crops in India, Telangana and Nizamabad district. - To assess the market share of multinational brands, domestic and local brands of pesticides in study area. - To compare four Ps of marketing of multinational companies, domestic players and local players in the pesticide industry. - To assess the preference pattern of farmers and dealers towards various pesticide brands. For the study, four mandals in Nizamabad district are selected based on the cultivated area of paddy and maize. From each mandal five villages are selected based on the cultivated area of paddy and maize. From each village six farmers are selected randomly. From each mandal five pesticide dealers are selected randomly. Data was also collected from one salesperson each from three top MNC’s, domestic companies and local companies in the study area. Primary data is collected from farmers, dealers and salesperson using separate questionnaires. Secondary data relating to usage of pesticides and firms information was collected from Agriculture Commissionerate office, Hyderabad, journals, company websites and other relevant reports. The data collected was analysed by using percentages and other statistical tools like Garrett’s ranking technique, Compound annual growth rate in order to draw valid conclusions. Compound annual growth rate of pesticide consumption in India was 1.9 with level of significance at 1 per cent. That implies positive trend in pesticide consumption in India and that was significant. Percentage change in 2015 over 2001 was 24 per cent. Compound Annual Growth Rate of pesticide consumption in Telangana was 2.9 with level of significance at 1 per cent. That implies positive trend in pesticide consumption in Telangana and that was significant. Percentage change in 2015 over 2001 was 18 per cent. MNC’s majorly focusing on crash campaigns, demonstrations, trainings, paintings, banners, hoardings, literature and dealer’s general meetings. Domestic companies promotional activities majorly focus on demonstrations, trainings, exhibitions, posters, banners, crash campaigns, regional mela participation and dealer’s general meetings. Local companies promotional activities are majorly dealer oriented, they mainly focus on dealer’s general meetings. It can be noticed that most of the multinational company products are applied on all crops. All the companies are majorly focusing on paddy, maize, cotton, fruits and vegetables in the study area. Most of domestic company products are majorly focusing on paddy and maize in the study area, apart from this they are also focusing on fruits and vegetables. Among the selected local companies, Nova agri tech has products suitable for specific crops, whereas the other two companies products are suitable for all crops. From the table it can be noticed that there is not very high variation in prices among the prices of multinational and domestic companies. It can be noticed that the average usage of pesticide in liquid form is more in paddy crop, where as in granules form it is more in cotton crop in the study area. Farmers are not happy with the quality of products of local companies and they are mostly satisfied with the products of multinational and domestic companies. Peer farmers and sales personnel are an important sources of information for farmers. Credit is the most influencing factor to purchase a particular brand of pesticide in case of farmers, as can be noticed from the table 4.22 . Price, performance of the product are second and third most influencing factors. On the whole, 90 per cent of dealers in the study area were dealing with three product lines i.e., pesticides, fertilizers and seeds, 10 per cent dealers are dealing with pesticides and seeds. The multinational companies and domestic companies compete on the basis of their product strength, promotional activities and giving trainings to the dealers, where as the local companies compete on the basis of promotional activities and maintaining good relation with the dealers given them good margins. Though these activities are also taken up by domestic companies and multinational companies their focus is not majorly on these activities.EnglishMARKETING STRATEGIES OF DIFFERENT LOCAL, DOMESTIC AND MULTINATIONAL BRANDS OF PESTICIDES IN NIZAMABAD DISTRICT OF TELANGANA.Thesis