NAGARAJA, A.RAMESH, M2017-07-012017-07-012009-07-15Th-9546 present study was carried out during 2008-2009 with the objectives of understanding the symptoms of kodo millet head smut, morphological, cultural, physiological and nutritional requirements of the fungus, In-vitro and in- vivo evaluation of different fungicides and bio-agents and screening of kodo millet genotypes to know their reaction to head smut. The disease of head smut (Sorosporium paspali-thunbergii) is systemic and infects the entire inflorescence of kodo millet transforming in to a long sorus. The spores were spherical to irregular or globose oblong measuring 55 x 25 µm to 75 x37 µm with an average of 65x30 µm. Spore germination was maximum in 2% sucrose solution. The fungus germinates by producing single or septate branched hypha. Among the eight solid media tested, maximum and profuse growth was on potato dextrose agar on 18th day followed by potato dextrose malt extract peptone agar. Richard’s medium supported moderate growth among the systemic solid media tested. The growth of was at pH 6.5 and temperature of 300C was found best physiological conditions. The fungus preferred dextrose as carbon source while Glycine and Glutamine were better source of nitrogen for maximum growth. Among the six fungicides and a bio-agent tested, almost all the fungicides tested were found effective under in vitro condition. Under the field conditions, Vitavax (1g/kg), Carbendazim (1g/kg) and Chlorothalonil (2g/kg) were found best and resulted in maximum yields. One hundred and fifty accessions of kodo millet were screened under natural conditions for their resistance to head smut. Of which 95 genotypes were highly resistant, 13moderately resistant, 18 moderatly susceptible and 11 highly susceptible genotypes.ennullSTUDIES ON HEAD SMUT OF KODO MILLET (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.)Thesis