Bidwe, Dr. K.UMANE, CHANGDEV BALU2021-04-142021-04-142020-11-25MANE, CHANGDEV BALU, (2020). Performance of green fodder under varied nutrient management. Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola., M. Sc. 2020. Print. xv, 75p. (Unpublished). present investigation entitled was undertaken during the year 2019-2020. The purpose of present investigation was to investigate to determine proximate composition of green fodder by application of organic manure and chemical fertilizer, find out pesticide spraying residue on green fodder, green fodder yield and cost structure of green fodder,The present investigation entitled “Performance of Green Fodder Under Varied Nutrient Management.” was conducted at Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science, Post Graduate Institute, Dr PDKV, Akola for period 90 Days. Six treatments were studied namely T1 – Nutrient management through organic manure and bio-pesticide for maize fodder, T2 – Nutrient management through organic manure and bio-pesticide for Lucerne fodder, T3 – Nutrient management through fertilizer and IPM for maize fodder, T4 – Nutrient management through fertilizer and IPM for maize fodder, T5 – Nutrient management through fertilizer and pesticide for maize fodder and T6– Nutrient management through fertilizer and coragen for Lucerne fodder. The fodder crops were applied FYM and fertilizer for various treatments. After 90 days of experiment fodder grown were analyzed for proximate composition, pesticides residues, yield and cost structure of Lucerne and maize green fodder. The results revealed that Dry Matter value of maize and T2, T4, T6 .Ether Extract value of maize and Lucerne fodder was 4.31, 4.51, 4.42 percent and 4.37,4.40, 4.57 percent respectively for treatment T1, T 3, T5 and T2, T4, T6 .Total Ash value of maize and Lucerne fodder was 7.31, 7.52, 7.39 percent and 7.22, 7.22, 7.17 percent respectively for treatment T1, T 3, T5 and T2, T4, T6 Nitrogen Free Extract value of maize and Lucerne fodder was 52.53, 52.32, 52.32 percent and 41.08, 40.92, 40.71 percent respectively T1, T 3, T5 and T2, T4, T6, For its proximate analysis the results were non- significant at 5 % level of significance. The results of metarhizum and neem seed extract application on term of residues on maize and Lucerne fodder under treatment T1, T2, T3, T4 was below level of quantification, while- coragen pesticide application residues treatment in T5, and T6 was recorded i.e. 0.144 and 0.050 mg per kg respectively. The mean yield of maize and Lucerne under treatment T1, T 3, T5 and T2, T4, T6 was 30.25, 31.29, 31.39 and 3.18, 3.77, 3.74 ton respectively and yield results were significant at 5 % level of significance. The cost of maize and Lucerne fodder treatment for T1, T2, T3, T4 , T5 and T6 was Rs. 27206, 27080, 20146,19810, 20986 and 19870 respectively.EnglishPERFORMANCE OF GREEN FODDER UNDER VARIED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT.Thesis