Abdul Rahiman Kunju, OTampi, A MBhaskaran, CKAU2019-01-142019-01-141992Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 30(2), 109-112.http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810090259A study was conducted to explore the extent of funtional linkages between the research and extension subsystems in the transfer of technology of improved rice varieties. The factors associated with the linkage of research subsytem with the extension subsystem were mainly, providing consultancy services and training to extension personnel, supervising trials and demonstrations, facilitating as well as guiding in field level extension activities and providing information support on new varieties by the researchers. The linking factors of extension subsystem with the researchers were mainly, participation in workshops and joint field visits, seeking help of researchers in trials and demonstrations laid out by the extension personnel.ennullResearch-extension linkages in the transferof technology of improved rice varieties – A factor analysisArticle