Ravimurugan, T.Devandran, P.Joshi, B.K.TANUVAS2018-12-172018-12-172010-04http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810085896TNV_IJSR_2010_16(1)122-124Sheep rearing is an important livelihood for small and marginal farmers especially in areas, which are drought prone and lack irrigation facilities. Tamil Nadu is home to about eight recognized breeds of sheep and most of them are raised for meat production. Kilakarsal, which is also known as Keezhakarisal, Karuvai, Keezhakaruvai, Ramnad karuvai and Adikarisal, is one of the recognized sheep breeds of south Tamil Nadu (Ganesakale and Rathnasabapathy, 1973 and Acharya, 1982). It is hardy, heat resistant and has the capacity to utilize coarse feed materials efficiently, traits that are beneficial in drought prone areas. This sheep breed also has the capacity to cover long distances in search of pasture for grazing. The information on Kilakarsal sheep is very scanty. The aim of the present study was to investigate the characteristics, body conformation and the phenotypic variation in body weights and body measurements of Kilakarsal sheep raised under farm conditions in its native tract.enVeterinary ScienceDISTRIBUTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF KILAKARSAL (KEEZHAKARAISAL) SHEEPIndian Journal of Small RuminantsArticle