A. Y. DESAIPANJA TEHSEEN HAMID2021-06-162021-06-162019-11https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810169864The present study was conducted to understand promising fishing grounds of Commercially important Finfishes and Shellfishes using GIS mapping method. The precise data in the form of geographical coordinates of fishing and allied information on the time of fishing, depth of the fishing area, catch details, etc. in a structured schedule were collected from the identified multiday trawlers operated along Veraval coast of Gujarat. Information was then mapped on GIS platform to get the promising fishing grounds and the spatio-temporal distribution of different groups of fishes. The favourable fishing grounds for Croakers and Threadfin breams with highest CPUE were in areas of Veraval-Mangrol, Dev-bhoomi Dwarka and Porbandar whereas lowest aggregation was seen in areas off Vanakbara, Diu and Mumbai at the depth range of 50 – 150 m in the post monsoon and winter months. These fishes during the premonsoon months moved towards Mumbai - Ratnagiri and less CPUE was observed in areas of Veraval and Diu. The favorable fishing ground was along the southern Saurashtra coast i.e., below 19˚48' N having deeper waters (> 50 m), which resulted in relatively higher CPUE in all the seasons. Unicorn Leather jacket was abundant in waters of Saurashtra during the post monsoon and winter months where as in pre monsoon season the CPUE was high in Maharashtra waters. The favorable fishing grounds for Cephalopods were located along the south off Girsomnath district and off Daman coast at a depth range upto 30 m , which resulted in moderate to high CPUE in all the seasons. A seasonal variation in the area of distribution of the fishes was also observed.English“RICHNESS AND DISTRIBUTION OF COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT FINFISHES AND SHELLFISHES OFF VERAVAL COAST ON GIS PLATFORM” 3025Thesis