Dr. G. R. SharmaHarpalsinh Gohil2019-05-092019-05-092014-03http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810102569Rainfed agriculture is practiced under a wide variety of soil type, agro climate and rainfall condition ranging from 400 mm to 1600 mm per annum. Agriculture in rainfed region is characterized with risk and uncertainty. Inadequate rainfall and its uneven distribution along with frequent drought are the common features of rainfed regions. Saurashtra region falls under arid and semi - arid climate and receives rainfall through the South - West monsoon during June to September. Annual rainfall over different parts of Saurashtra region varies from 350 mm to 650 mm. Analysis of rainfall and other weather parameters helps to develop and modify the management practices for stabilizing the crop production in the rainfed ecosystem at certain level. Estimation of the magnitude and dur^fion of water deficit and surplus are vital important for planning crop and water management practices to promote crop production in dry land areas. Rainfall and other weather data are collected from Main Dry Farming Research Station, JAU, Targhadia (Rajkot), Rainfall data of 55 years (1958-2012) on weekly basis is analysed. Occurrence of rainfall at different probability levels is calculated using best fit distribution. The highest average rainfall (64.44mm) is observed during 27"' standard week and lowest (5.22nim) during 43''" standard week. The standard deviation during 29"' standard week is high (89.17mm). The coefficient of variability is obseiwed less than 150 per cent dunng 27"' standard week to 3D' standard week except 28"' standard week indicating better reliability, where as in other weeks it is observed more than 150 per cent. It is also obseiwed that MSW has 50 per cent initial probability of receiving more than 40 mm rainfall.enSOIL AND WATER ENGINEERINGCROP PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT BASED ON RAINFALL AND EVAPOTIRANSPIRATION IN RAINFED AGRICULTURE 1826Thesis