Vikal, YogeshLoveleen Kaur2018-05-272018-05-272018 stress, second most serious constraint after drought to maize production, causes about 25-30% production losses every year. Mapping of QTLs conferring waterlogging tolerance is crucial to develop ‘climate resilient’ maize varieties. The present investigation focussed on identification and fine mapping of putative QTLs for yield components reported in F2 population on chromosome 1, 7, 8 and 9 under waterlogging conditions using SSRs. 260 RILs derived from parental cross of I110 (WLS) and I172 (WLT) were sown in α-lattice design in three replications to evaluate various phenotypic and quantitative traits. Waterlogging stress was applied to two replications at V7 stage for 15 days at ponding depth of 10.0 ± 0.5 cm treating third as control. Statistical analysis of phenotypic data indicated significant differences between stressed and control replications for almost all traits. A total of 5 QTLs designated as qSpad2S1, qSpad2S2, qNELC, qCobwt on chromosome 1 and qPHS on chromosome 8 were obtained in this study. The QTL window has been significantly reduced to an average distance of 5-8 cM from the earlier distance of 30 cM achieving the objective of fine mapping to an extent. More number of markers will be required to further saturate and dissect the regions harbouring putative QTLs. The eventual aim is to precisely locate and isolate novel genes influencing stress response to develop ‘climate ready’ cultivars of maize.ennullFine mapping of quantitative trait loci associated with waterlogging stress tolerance in Maize (Zea mays L.)Thesis