Singh, Ajeet PratapNegi, Jyoti2019-02-092019-02-092018-04 present experiment “Effect of long term application of fertilizer and crop residues on soil properties and crop yield under rice-wheat system in a Mollisol” was carried out during kharif – rabi season of 2015-16 at Norman E. Borlaug Crop Research Centre of the Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. The experiment was laid in RBD and replicated four times with twelve treatments. The soil pH and EC ranged from 7.25 to 7.63, 0.27 to 0.33 dSm-1, respectively. Experimental findings indicated that application of chemical fertilizer with organic residues non-significantly influenced soil pH and EC. The content of organic carbon, available N, P, K, S and available micronutrient cations Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu improved significantly over the control. The content of organic carbon, N, P, K, S, Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe ranged from 0.56 to 1.14%, 221.37 to 327.61 Kg ha-1, 14.04 to 26.46 Kg ha-1, 112.63 to 133.72 Kg ha-1, 16.88 to 30.42 mg kg-1, 0.57 to 2.95 mg kg-1, 1.97 to 5.41 mg kg-1, 4.64 to 7.75 mg kg-1 and 20.56 to 34.83 mg kg-1, respectively. The partial replacement of N through FYM, wheat straw and mung straw caused significant improvement in soil properties and crop yield. The grain yield of rice and wheat in the year 2015-2016 ranged from 2552.7 to 5700.7, 1850.0 to 4315.7 Kg ha-1, respectively. The partial replacement of N through FYM, wheat straw and mung straw caused significant improvement in soil properties and crop yield. The treatment where 50 per cent N was applied through FYM, 25 per cent through FYM, where 50 per cent N was applied through mung straw and 50 per cent through wheat straw were found best among all the treatments and improves soil properties, nutrient content as well as yield. The Farmyard manure and green gram straw were observed to be the best organic sources of N for substitution of chemical N, with respect to soil fertility and grain yield. It is concluded from this study that continuous use of crop residues in partial replacement of fertilizer significantly improved the soil properties, nutrient status of the soil and crop yield.enEffect of long term application of fertilizer and crop residues on soil properties and crop yield under rice–wheat system in a mollisolThesis