Dusyanthan KNarendra Babu CVasanthi CMuthulakshmi MRobinson JJ AbrahamTensingh Gnanaraj PTANUVAS2024-08-052024-08-052014https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810212817Emulsion based value added buffalo meat loaves were prepared using different binders and low Value meat including offal meat to assess the physico-chemical [pH, Hunter's colour a*, L* and b’* values, Shear Force Value (SFV), Thio-barbit-uric Acid Number (TBA No) and Tyrosine Value (TV)], microbiologicalEnglishPHYSICO-CHEMICAL, MICROBIOLOGICAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF VALUE ADDED BUFFALO MEAT LOAVES PACKED AND STORED UNDER CHILLER STORAGENational Seminar on “Education and Research Perspectives for current and future trends in the Indian meat industry”Other