Rokhade, Ashok RPatil, Yashwanth R2019-09-062019-09-062001No. of references 98"The studies to investigate the effect of storage conditions and storage behaviour of sopata hybrids (DHS-1 86 DHS-2) and varieties (Cricket Ball 85 Kalipatti) on shelf-life and also to standardize the protocol for preparation of dehydrated sapota slices and preparation of sapota juice were conducted at Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi, during 2000 - 2001. Storage of sapota fruits in zero energy cool chamber (ZECC) after treating with 500 ppm sodium benzoate was found to extend the shelflife up to 13 days compared to 9 days in fruits packed in polyethylene bag containing paper shreds impregnated with saturated KMn04 solution and 7 days in fruits under ambient condition (ASC). Storage of fruits in ZECC was most effective in reducing the PLW and maintaining optimum TSS and sugar compared to fruits in polyethylene bag under ASC. The maximum shelf-life of 11 days was recorded in DHS-1 as compared to 10 days in DHS-2 and 9 days in Kalipatti and Cricket Ball. The maximum recovery of dehydrated slices (30.46 %) and lowest dehydration ratio (3.28) were recorded in sapota slices exposed to sulphuring at 4 g per kg of slices for two hours, whereas, minimum recovery was observed in steeping of sapota slices in 0.25 per cent KMS solution for 30 minutes (24.46 %). Sulphuring of sapota slices at 2 g per kg for four hours recorded highest organoleptic scores for colour and appearance (3.85) and texture (3.30) and reducing and total sugars (34.22 % and 62.92 %, respectively). The sapota juice obtained from the pulp treated with Pectinase-B enzyme at 0.3 per cent for four hours had maximum recovery (59.93 %) with highest TSS, titratable acidity and sugars, while the least recovery (48.33 %), TSS, titratable acidity and sugars were recorded in untreated control."ennullSTUDIES ON STORAGE AND PROCESSING OF SAPOTA (Manilkara achras (Mill.) Fosberg ) FRUITSThesis