Singla, NeerjaMahajan, Charvi2023-07-062023-07-062023Mahajan, Charvi (2023). Vitamin D profile and bone health of people engaged in office jobs as affected by dietary and lifestyle factors. (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. present study was conducted to evaluate the relationship of dietary and lifestyle factors with the vitamin D status and bone health of adult men and women who were engaged in office jobs and stay mostly indoors. One hundred (100) subjects in the age group of 30-50 years comprising of 50 males and 50 females, who were working in the offices from 9am5pm, were selected. All the selected subjects were found deficit in vitamin D with serum vitamin D values in the range <20ng/ml. Majority of the subjects (81%) had dark skin color (Type V) which could be one of the reasons for lower vitamin D status. Subjects spent most of their time indoors (7hours) by virtue of their work profile, due to which their sun exposure index (SEI) was quite low i.e., 3.3% hour/day as compared to cut-off value of 17.7% hour/day which might be one of the reasons for vitamin D deficiency (VDD). More than fifty percent of subjects (55%) consumed vegetarian diets while none of them were consuming foods fortified with vitamin D due to due to lack of knowledge and inaccessibility of fortified foods. Higher proportion of vegetarian diets and inaccessibility of fortified foods could precipitate VDD. Percent adequacy of milk and milk products was quite high (175% among males and 131% among females) due to higher consumption of tea during winters. Sedentary lifestyle pattern among the selected subjects results in higher Body Mass Index (BMI) which could negatively affect vitamin D status. Atmospheric factors such as UV index (<3) and latitude (<35ºN) during winters could not be sufficient enough for vitamin D absorption. Moreover, UV-B rays get attenuated due to ‗Asian Brown Cloud‘ during months of November- April making sun exposure inadequate for synthesizing vitamin D inspite of the fact that subjects were exposing themselves to sunlight for optimum time (10-30 minutes).EnglishVitamin D profile and bone health of people engaged in office jobs as affected by dietary and lifestyle factors.Thesis