Kunnal, L.B.Savitha M.G.2021-02-032021-02-032016-06https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810160831A study was conducted to assess the performance of cereals (maize, paddy, jowar and wheat) economy in Karnataka. The secondary data pertaining to area, production, productivity, arrivals and prices were collected for a period from 1998-99 to 2013-14. The primary data were collected from 240 randomly selected farmers and 160 market functionaries (2014-15). The statistical techniques used were Compound Growth Rates, Principle Component Analysis, Gini-coefficient Analysis, Correlation regression analysis and Garrett’s Ranking Techniques. The growth in area of cereals showed a substantial annual decrement of -0.36 per cent whereas growth in production and productivity recorded a positive annual increment. The area under paddy, maize and wheat has recorded 2.58 per cent annual increment whereas jowar registered a significant negative growth (-1.71 %). The results of the principal component analysis revealed that the price factors dominated over the non-price factors in influencing the cereal crops production in the state. The concentration of market power as measured by the proportion of the total business handled by a few selling firms who controlled the major share of the cereals trade in study markets in the state. The correlation and linear regression results revealed that there was a positive relationship between arrivals and prices of cereals crops except for wheat in Dharwad market The proportion of marketable surplus was found to be more than 80 per cent for the cereal crops except for jowar. Producer’s net price share in consumer’s rupee was more when the farmers marketed their produce through shortest channel and it would be the most profitable one. Non-availability of labourers during the peak season and lack of remunerative prices were major problems faced by the farmers. To ensure the food security in the state concerted efforts to increase the productivity and production of cereals are needed by the cereal producers.EnglishPerformance of Cereals Economy in KarnatakaThesis