Dr. K. D. AparnathiMAHETA RIDDHIBEN GHANSHYAMBHAI2017-05-182017-05-182012http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810011448Whey, a liquid by-product is obtained in manufacture of coagulated milk products. It causes serious disposal problems owing to its high BOD and COD values. The present investigation aimed at process standardization to utilize paneer whey in preparation of cultured buttermilk. In the study, work was carried out to standardized appropriate mode for addition of whey, select suitable starter culture, optimize amount whey incorporation, standardize composition of the product, evaluate the cultured buttermilk for keeping quality and analyze cultured buttermilk for composition as well as physico chemical characteristics. The curd was prepared using double toned milk (1.5% fatenStandardizationSTANDARDIZATION OF METHOD FOR UTILIZATION OF PANEER WHEY IN CULTURED BUTTERMILKThesis