Thakur, Rajesh KumarKHOSA, ARSHDEEP SINGH2020-10-282020-10-282019-09-23 has been a passion and a way of life for the majority of the rural population of India. In order to improve the socio-economic status of farming community and achieve the self- sufficiency in foodgrain production, emphasis was given for the diversification and intensification of farming systems. In the process of agricultural development, the use of inorganic inputs like fertilizers, herbicides and other plant production chemicals increased tremendously. Through the regular use of these inputs, on one hand, there has been significant increase in the cost of production and on the other hand, soil health, quality of produce, quality of water got adversely affected. On this account, the demand of organic farming and its products has increased world-wide and it is an opportunity for farmers who practice organic farming. Keeping these factors into consideration, planners and policy makers are promoting the organic farming in the country through different schemes and incentives. In Himachal Pradesh, there are some pockets, especially in Chamba, Shimla, Solan, Kinnaur, Lahaul & Spiti where farmers have not yet shifted to inorganic farming and by default practicing organic practices in crop production. The present study was conducted in Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh to study the institutional mechanism for the promotion of organic farming and to work out the economics of organically produced crops. In order to meet out the objectives of the study both primary as well as secondary data were used. The primary data were collected through personal survey method from 60 farmers (44 marginal and 16 small) of Chamba and Mehla blocks through three stage random sampling technique. As far as the institutional mechanism for the promotion of organic farming in the state was concerned, it was found that the department of organic agriculture and natural farming has played an important role in the standardization of practices for the preparation of organic inputs and developing package of practices for the cultivation of okra, potato, pea, mash etc. The university also undertaken the capacity building of 5,926 trainees comprising 74 per cent famers and also created awareness through 12 radio/Tv talks and conducting 98 field demonstrations on different aspects of organic farming under Niche Area of Excellence programme funded by ICAR (2012-2017). The average size of land holding of the sample households was 0.7838 ha of which 84 per cent was cultivated land on overall farm situation. The analysis of cropping pattern revealed that maize, paddy, rajmash and black gram of kharif and wheat, barley, potato and pea of rabi were the major organically grown crops in the study area. The analysis of resource use pattern revealed that the respondents were using the organic input like jivamrit, matka khad, vermiwash, beejamrit and fermented butter milk which prepared by themselves at the farm. High utilization of human labour was noticed in case of potato (110 human days/ha) followed by pea (99 human days/ha) and paddy (94 human days/ha) on overall farm category. Among kharif crops, net return over variable cost was higher in rajmash (Rs. 47,704/ha) followed by maize (Rs. 27,667/ha) while in rabi crops, potato (Rs. 42,572/ha) followed by pea (Rs. 42,388/ha) on overall farm situation. The B:C ratio of kharif crops were 1.73 in rajmash followed by 1.24 in maize while in rabi crops it was 1.59 in pea followed by 1.39 in potato. Among the cereals the productivity levels ranged from 13.49 q/ha in case of barley to 21.36 q/ha in case of maize. The productivity of vegetables was found be more than 100 q/ha while it was about 7 and 5 q/ha in case of rajmash and black gram, respectively on overall farm situation. In utilization of crops, study indicated that the low level of marketable surplus in cereals i.e. about 46, 49, 35, 27 per cent in maize, paddy, wheat, barley, respectively and in pulses it varied from 38 to 45 per cent but vegetable enjoy substantial quantity of marketable surplus of about 73 per cent in pea and 84 per cent in potato.EnglishMECHANISMS OF INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS AND ECONOMICS OF MAIN ORGANIC CROPS IN CHAMBA DISTRICT OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis