Eshwarappa, H.MANASA, H R2019-07-042019-07-042018-08-21Th-12114 is known for its medicinal and therapeutic properties from ancient time in India. However Aonla fruit is highly perishable and has a short shelf life of 5–6 days as fruit is sensitive to bruises, browning and various post-harvest diseases. Appropriate processing and storage methods can cut down the post harvest losses up to 30% and make the fruit available for longer period. Hence a study has been taken to increase the shelflife of aonla using various drying techniques and packaging materials. Physical properties like size, shape, texture, colour, density, volume, surface area, spherecity, co – efficient of friction and angle of repose and biochemical properties like moisture content, protein, ash, crude fat, crude fiber, total sugar, carbohydrate, antioxidants and vitamin C were determined for fresh aonla. Aonla slices and shreds after initial pretreatment in 0.1% KMS for 3 minutes were dehydrated in tray dryer, solar dryer, biomass dryer and solar cum biomass dryer. For production of aonla slices and shreds was, tray drying at drying temperature of 50 ℃ was found to be best. Dehydrated aonla slices and shreds were stored in three different packaging materials namely, LDPE, PP and PET jar, at ambient conditions for 90 days. Samples were analyzed periodically (at 30 days interval) for quality parameters. Among three packaging materials LDPE was found to be best for dehydrated aonla slices and shreds.ennullDEHYDRATION STUDIES OF AONLA (Phyllanthus emblica) USING DIFFERENT DRYERSThesis