VENKAT RAOA. P., SHIVAKUMARM. K., HONNABYRAIAHT., SAKTHIVELPATIL, S. V.K. R., VASUDEVA2021-09-092021-09-092018-09UHS16PGM813 Sahan is a promising interspecific hybrid of Annona which has huge demand in domestic markets. Natural fruit setting is neagre and is the main bottleneck in its cultivation. This hindrance can be overcome by hand pollination after an thesis to improve the fruit set. Use of growth hormones and assisted pollination paved a new tool for stabilizing the fruit growth pattern and offer great advantage in increasing fruit yield per unit area.EnglishEFFECT OF GIBBERELLIC ACID AND ASSISTED POLLINATION ON FRUIT YIELD AND QUALITY OF CUSTARD APPLE CV. ARKA SAHANThesis