Ramkumar, M. V.VASANTH KUMAR., G. D.2017-06-282017-06-282009-07-15http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810023571Pongamia is a tree borne oil seed (TBO’s) belonging to the family fabaceae. Historically, this plant has long been used in India and neighbouring regions as a source of traditional medicines, animal fodder, green manure, timber and fuel. More recently, pongamia pinnata has been recognised as a viable source of soap industry, leather industry and as a source of oil for the burgeoning biofuel industry. The mature pod consists of kernels and is reported to contain about 27-35% of oil. Decortication is the main process in the post harvest processing of pongamia. Graded and ungraded pods are the two main categories in pongamia pod. During processing the ungraded pods gave maximum output compared to graded pods. However, the kernel damage noticed was maximum in ungraded pods. The damage to the kernel during the decortications of pongamia pods does not affect the commercial value of the product. A decortication machine was developed to address an important operation of separating kernels from the pods. The prototype machine was tested for both category of pods and for different machine clearances (8 and 9 mm) and for different drum speeds (250, 300, 350 rpm) at 7.5 and 10 per cent moisture contents. The maximum output recorded was 118.78kg/h at 8 mm clearance and 250 rpm drum speed in ungraded pods at 7.5 per cent moisture content. Among the two clearances (8 and 9 mm) studied, 8 mm clearance found to be the best, considering the damages to the kernel and decortication efficiency. The decortication of pongamia pods through the prototype developed could save processing time cost, and labour. The maximum efficiency was 95.84% in graded pods at 7.5 per cent moisture content at 8mm clearance and 250 rpm drum speed. Further the machine decortication process was three and half times faster than the manual method. The cost of the developed prototype of pongamia decorticating machine was Rs. 7031.08 and the processing cost of converting 1 kg of pongamia pods into kernel was only Re.0.27 but in case of traditional it is Re.1.00.ennullDEVELOPMENT OF A PROTOTYPE FOR DECORTICATION OF PONGAMIA PODS (Pongamia pinnata L.)Thesis