Venkateswaralu, VRamaswamy, VMGopalan, STANUVAS2023-01-092023-01-091977 effects of Diphenyl hydantoin Sodium (DPH) on Cedilanid induced cardiac arrhythmias were studied in dogs. The mean arrhythmogenic dose(MAD) of Cedilamid was found to he 213±16.4 microgrammes per Kilogram. DPH promptly reversed Cedilanid induced cardiac arrhythmias into normal sinus rhythm but it lasted only for 3mts. Repeated administration is necessary to prevent recurrence of arrhythmias DPH at the rate of 1.6 mg/kg afforded significant protection against Cediianid induced Cardiac arrhythmias.EnglishVeterinary ScienceA STUDY ON THE ANTI-ARRHYTHMIC ACTIVITY OF DIPHENYL HYDANTOIN SODlUMBiological ForumArticle