Chaudhary, S. K.Kumar, Nitish2018-05-192018-05-192015 field experiment on “Optimising nutrient management strategy and assessing the contribution of different nutrients to yield of hybrid rice in calcareous soil” was carried out during kharif - 2014 at Research Farm, Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar (India) to evaluate the effect of different nutrients on yield and economics of hybrid rice (“Arize 6444”) and inbred rice (“Rajshree”). The soil was calcareous (pH 8.28) in nature with low organic carbon (0.33%), available nitrogen (212 kg N ha-1), potassium (103.48 kg K2O ha-1) and zinc (0.72 mg Zn kg-1); medium phosphorus (38.93 kg P2O5 ha-1) and high sulphur (52.80 mg S kg-1) status. The factors under study comprised of 10 treatments viz.T1-ample dose of N+ P+ K+ S+ Zn, T2-P+K+S+Zn (-N), T3-N+K+S+Zn (-P), T4-N+P+S+Zn (-K), T5-N+P+K+Zn (-S), T6-N+P+K+S (-Zn), T7-Inbred variety under unfertilized check, T8- Inbred variety under ample fertilizer (N+ P+ K+ S+ Zn), T9-Control (hybrid rice without any fertilizer), T10- nutrient dose based on Nutrient Expert in inbred rice. The experiment was conducted in RBD with three replications. The nutrient dose for hybrid rice (at yield target of 7 t ha-1) was 175 kg N ha-1, 70 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 80 kg K2O ha-1 and for inbred rice (at yield target of 5 t ha-1), 125 kg N ha-1, 50 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 60 kg K2O ha-1. In treatment T10 nutrient dose was applied according to Nutrient Expert (N-P2O5-K2O:109-28-54 kg ha-1). The common dose of S (30 kg ha-1) and Zn (3 kg ha-1) was applied in all the treatments. Treatment T1 for hybrid rice was superior over all the other treatments in grain yield, harvest index, nutrient uptake, net return and benefit: cost ratio. Among different treatments with inbred rice, treatment T8 was at par with T10 and significantly superior over T7 for grain and straw yield. Most detrimental effect of omission of nutrient was observed in treatment T2 having 48.6 and 37.6 % less grain and straw yield respectively over T1. Maximum nutrient uptake by rice was recorded under treatment T1, while omission of nutrients decreased the nutrient uptake and maximum decrease was recorded for N and it was followed by K, P, S and Zn. Build-up in available nutrient was recorded maximum under treatment T1, while there was a decrease in availability of nutrients in accordance to the omitted nutrient. Maximum net return (₹ 48,837 ha-1) and benefit: cost ratio (1.22) was in treatment T1 and it was at par with treatments T5 and T6 having omission of sulphur and zinc respectively.ennullOptimising nutrient management strategy and assessing the contribution of different nutrients to yield of hybrid rice in calcareous soilThesis