Studies on Organic Production Technology in Onion (Allium cepa L.) Cv. Bellary Red

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UAS Dharwad
Investigation on organic production technology in onion Cv. Bellary Red was carried out at Agricultural Research Station, Hagari (UAS, Dharwad) during rabi 2006-07 and kharif 2007-08 to study the effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients and planting geometry on production and keeping quality of onion and influence of post-harvest treatment of different botanicals and bioagents to minimize the storage loss of onion. Among the different nutrient sources, application of RDF (125:50:125 NPK kg ha-1) + FYM (30t ha-1) recorded significantly higher bulb yield (44.5t ha-1) followed by 50% FYM (12.5t ha-1) + 50% vermicompost (2t ha-1) + biofertilizers (Azospirillum and PSB @ 5kg ha-1 each) during rabi season . However, both the treatments were at par with each other in kharif. The storage study indicated that loss of bulbs were significantly minimum and marketable bulbs were maximum (58.23 and 45.41% during rabi and kharif seasons respectively) at the end of storage period (4 months) with application of 50% FYM (12.5t ha-1) + 50% vermicompost (2t ha-1)+ biofertilizers (Azospirillum and PSB @ 5kg ha-1 each). The planting geometry of 15 x 10 cm with FYM (12.5t ha-1) + vermicompost (2t ha-1)+biofertilizers recorded significantly maximum bulb yield (38.56 and 34.72t ha-1, respectively during rabi and kharif seasons) and marketable bulbs (49.28 and 43.67% during rabi and kharif season, respectively) at the end of storage period. The post-harvest application of Trichoderma harzianum -0.5% with 50% FYM (12.5t ha-1)+50% vermicompost (2t ha-1)+biofertilizers during crop growth period resulted in better accumulation of TSS (%) and dry matter content in the bulbs, maximum marketable bulbs and highest B:C ratio of 4.95 and 4.18 during rabi and kharif season, respectively with minimum spoilage of bulbs after storage period.