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For the present study, 150 blood samples (50 from each breed viz. Dumba, Patanwadi and Marwari) were collected randomly from animals located at Sheep Breeding Farm. Morbi, Gujarat. Isolation of genomic DNA was carried out. The quality of DNA was estimated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The amplification of Growth hormone gene and KRT gene was carried out using appropriate primer pairs, optimized reaction mixtures and PGR profile. The genotyping was done with the help of PGR RFLP. The POPGENE software was used for estimating allelic and genotype frequencies at different loci of the genes and to verify Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic identity and genetic distances were measured by Nei's original measures amone various breeds. ^ A. A781G locus. 144 sheep were heterozygous |AB| and 6 sheep were homosygous (AA) hu, no homozygous ,BB| ind.vidual. were found among all the three breeds. At A1575G locus of Growth hormone gene, all sheep were homozygous (CO) but no homozygous (DD) as well as heterozygous (CD) individuals were found in all the three populations. All breeds exhibited clear predominance of the A allele, with its frequency in samples from Marwari breed as 0.54 and 0.50 in Patanwadi breed and 0.52 in Dumba breed. The frequency of allele B in three population was 0.46, 0.5 and 0.48, respectively. Two genotypes viz. AA and AB were observed during the study at different loci for GH gene. The genotypic frequencies of AB were greater than AA for all the three breeds. Overall genotype frequency of AB genotype was greater (0.94) than AA genotype (0.06). This suggests that heterozygous genotype was favoured for body weight and growth in all the three breeds of sheep. At locus KRT 1.2, studies revealed three genotypes viz MM MN and NN with genotype frequencies of 0.74, 0.24 0.02- 0 54 0.42 85 0.04 and 0.64, 0.36 85 0.00 for Marwari, Patanwadi and Dumba breeds, respectively. The overall genotypic frequencies at KRT 1.2 locus for MM, MN and NN were 0.64, 0.34 and 0 02 respectively. The overall allele frequencies for allele M and allele N were 0.81 and 0.19 respectively. In general, the frequency of allele M was higher that of allele N in all three breeds. Three genotypes viz. MM, MN and NN were observed in the study. In general, the genotypic frequencies of MM were higher than MN and NN in all the three breeds. Diversity analysis revealed that Marwari and Dumba breeds were genetically more related (genetic identity = O.9992 and genetic distance = 0.0008). The matrix obtained showed high value of genetic identity between breeds for the growth hormone loci thus, less genetic distance was found between these breeds The observed heterozygosity was higher than expected heterozygosity in all the three breeds. The mean values of observed and expected heterozygosity for GH gene were 0.96 and 0.5009 respectively; while the same for KRT gene were 0 34 and 0.3088 respectively. HWE was tested using chi-square test. In case of GH gene, all three breeds showed significant deviation from HWE (PsO.Ol); while, for KRT locus 1.2, all three breeds were in HWE (P>0.05). The average hetero^gosity for GH gene and KRT locus 1.2 were 0.4987 and 0.3037. Least squares analysis was carried out for physical traits and wool quality traits.Least squares means for birth weight (BWT), three month weight (3WT), six month weight (6WT), adult body weight (ABW), were 3.18 kg, 9.22 kg, 11.70 kg, 27^07 kg while least squares means for staple length , fibre diameter and medullation 0/0 were 5.92 cm, 42.77 p and 76.37 o/„ respectively. The breed of the sheep was a significant (PsO.Ol) source of variation in all the traits. Growth hormone genotype had highly significant effect (P<0.01) on birth weight, the higher birth weight being observed in AB heterozygotes. Greater frequencies of allele A and genotypes AB and AA Showed that selection favouurreeda AA Aa homo^gotes and AB heterozygotes. The measures of Net's genetic identity and genetic distance showed that Marwari and Dumba are genetically more close among the three breeds, Chi-square test for HWE with respect to GH gene showed that all three breeds were away fmm HWE, Chi-square test tor HWE with respect, KRT gene showed that all three breeds were in HWE, Effect o'f breed was highly significant (^PsO.-Ouli)) oonn bbiirrft-hh ,we i•g hut, 3-month weight, 6-month weight, adult body weight, staple length, fibre diameter and medullation (%). Mean birth weight for genotype AA and AB were significantly (PsO.Ol) different, individuals with AB genotype being higher in birth weight than those with homozygous AA genotype. The important conclusion that emerges from the study is that Dumba seems intermediate between Patanwadi and Marwari breeds of sheep with respect to GH and KRT gene. The OH A1575G locus was completed fixed for CO genotype. No individuals with BB homozygous for locus A781G, CD hetero^gous or DO homo^gous for locus A1575G were detected in all the three sheep population under study.