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Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur
1;ielcl experiments were conducted tiusing t\vo consecuti\ e yews (2( 00 ~11d 2001) on sandy loam soils of wet Iiind block of S.\'. Agricultural C'olley,. t-cl~~~~ (ANGIUU), Tirupati (Southern Agro- climatic Zone of 4.P.) to study the "I'rospects of organic ?arming in rice-based cropping system". 'The investigations ne1.e conducted for two seasons, with rice during kharifand groundnut during ~-crh~ ,~nd laid out in randomized block design replicated thrice. ?'he same layout was fi)llowed during both the years of study. 'The treatments consisted of twelve N manclgement practices (no N, Azospirillt~m alone, (;M Nl ,o. GLM 1\3 FYM Nloo, 1; Nl,,,,. (;M Ni,, + I' Nio, GIJM N50 + F lVso, FYM Ni(, + I' Nil,, GM N<,) + F Nio + Azo., (;I \ 1 '\J,( -i 1' N5(, Azo. and FYM lV50 + 1: NiO + Azo.) applied to lihar~f rice and ground i~it \\as raised to find out the residual effect of the treatments applied to kharif rice. 1 he Lest variety ofrice was NIX-145 and that of groundnut was K-134. The results indicated that different h nianagement practices to rice ~ceabl? altered the growth parameters, yield attributes, yield and nutrient uptake of slce ;is well as the post harvest fertility status of soil. The growth attributes ir.. plant height, total tiller m-2, L.AI and dry matter production lvere highest with Ci\l C,,,,, at active tillering and with GLM Nio I; N5() f Azo., at panicle initiation. \\bile at flowering and at harvest the highest stature of the gro\\rth parameters was ;is:.oiintcd with FNloo. Yield attributes of rice viz.. panic1i:s In'. number of grains panicle'. iillecl grains panicle-' and 1000-grain weight were highest with supply of 100 per ccrit N through fertilizer, which were comparable wlth all the recommended N application treatments, except the two exclusive organic sources of N supply viz. GM TJ,,,,, and FYM NlOO. Grain and straw yield of' rice \\as s~gn~ficantly h~ghe~ \\~th the applicat~on 01 100 per cent N through fertili~er. nh~ch \vas in parity with a11 the integ~,ttcd N n-~anagement practices of'GLM Ni,, + 1' W,o + Jzo., (iM Nio + F N,,, + iflo.. (;I hl lV,, t F NSO, GM N5" + F NsO, FYM Nit, t t Nil) i ,lzo , and 1 YM N,,, + 1. lV,,, Quality parameters of rice viz.. whole graln per cent, nill ling pel. cent. l~roti'itl content and amylose content of rice kernels were highest with co~?j~lnctive use ot CiLM Nio+F NSO+Azo., while the higllcst hrclkcn grain percentage \\as I-ecosdctl iz ith 11o N application. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake of rice was the highest \viiIl (ibl Nloo at active tillering and with GLM Nio + I- Nio t Azo. at panicle initiation, \i liilc at flowering and harvest the highest N, 1' and I( uptake was registered \irit1i supply of I00 per cent N through fertilizer. 'The highest organic carbon, aviiilabli: nitrogen and available pot;~ssii~~l~ content of soil (post harvest) were noticed with application of 100 per cent N tll~.ollgIt I;YM, which was however, comparable N ith all the N a~~plication treatments. cxccpt 1; Nloo, Azospirillzrm alone and control. 'I'he available soil phosphorus status tlid no1 vary to a statistically traceable extent. The highest gross returns, net returns and BC ratio of rice were recorded ~vith application of 100 per cent N through t'erti1izt:r (T6). Supply of 100 per cent N through FYM to preceding rice has recorded the highest stature of growth parameters viz., plant height, LA1 and dry matter. production and yield attributes viz., number of pods plant-1, hundred-pod weight, and hundred-kernel weight of rabi groundnut. The highest pod and haulm yield of groundnut were recorded with FYh4 Nloo imposed to preceding rice, which were however statistically similar to FYM Nio + F NS0 (T9), FYM NSO + F Nso + Azo. (TI 1, GI-M N loo (T4) and GM Nloo (T3). At 30 and 60 LIAS, the nodule dry we& was highest with FYM NIo0 ~~i~pliecl to kharif rice, while at 90 DAS anci at hartest the nodule dry tveigtlt \vxs not significantly influenced by different N management practices imposed to prec e(1ing rice. The highest 1\J, P and I( uptake at all the stages of groundnut were recol-ded with application of FYM Nloo to preceding rice. The highest post harvest soil organic cart)on, available nitrogen ancl pota-;siillij content after groundnut were noticed with the application of FYM Nl()(, to preceding rice, which was however, comparablt: with all the recommended N applic:~tion treatments, except 100 percent N through fe~ ti lizer. The post har\,est soil available phosphorus status did not show any significant variation. I'he highest gross and net rt*ll~r~l~ 1s \+ell ilS i3C ratio of ~I.OLIIIC!IIII~ \\CIC I-ecordcd 1~1th I.YM Nloo. which \vcrc stat~strcall similar with 1:YhI Y,,) t I U,,). 1:YM Nio t F N,o + .4zo., GLM Nlo0. GM Y,,(). (iLM Nio + I; Ni0, and (;[ 121 Y,,, 1: N,,, t Azo. imposed to khrrrrf rlcc 'l'he highest total dry mattes protiuc tion of'tlic cropping system <IS '1 \\ ht)lih \\.IS sccordcd with application of C;l,bl Ni,, t I, I'd ;,, t.4~0, \vhile the highest ~.lct'-gr'litl cclilivalent (economic) yield 01' the cropping system bas noticed with 1.3 A1 N,,, t 1: Nq,. I he highest gross rctu~ns 01' ii~e crclpping system were recorded \\ 1111 1 \ 14 Nj,+F NsO and the highest net returns were ~vlth 1;Nloo during the first )ear allti \\ith I:YM N,,, + I; Nio during the second veal, M hlle the highest BC ratio ere I e;:i\tel oil with the application of 100 per cent N through fertilizer. 'I'he soil organic carbon content tended to increase with each crop of I-1cc a11d roundn nut of the cropping system. Thc avaiiahle nitrogen, phosphorus and potassitlrn L content oS the soil tended to incr-eajc \\ it11 tlic saising of rice crop and d :cl.e:lsc marginally with the raising of groundnut croo. 'I'he nitrogen balance in the cropping sjstern was negative with the trei tnlents of no N (TI), Azospirillum alone ('I?) and 100 per cent N through fertiliz.~ ('r6) imposed to rice crop. All other treatments rt:corded positive balance of soil a\ ailable nitrogen in the cropping system, indicating a ntst gain of soil available nitrogen In conclusion, it is inferred ii-om the investigations that rice-groundnut cropping system can be sustained with any package of integration of 50 per cent N each through fertilizer and any of the organic sources, not only in terms of higher productivity and economic returns, but also in terms of sustaining the soil fertility status at a fairly high level. Even though application of entire recommended N through fertilizer co~lld meet the N recluirerr~e~lt of rice, it would not sustain the soil fertility status and its residual effecl was meagre for economical prod~tctian of groundnut in rice-groundnut cropping system. Impact of Azospirillzrtn was marginal, but considering its cost, it can be included for application to rice in rice-bused cropping system. Supply of N through exclusi\re oi-ganic sources could not lia ,.z nict the timely crop demand ofN requirement and also the cost of production i\as higher with exclusive organic Fa-rni~ig, conip~u-ed to integrated farming or inorg~inic t'a -riling I Iowever, organic fanning may gain itnportance in future if the lo\\er ieltls and liigher cost of cultivation are compensated with premium pricing of orgarlicallq produced rice and groundnut, ~hich of' course. depends on consumer pref'eren~:i. a11d purchasing powER