Economic analysis of watershed development programme in Palakkad district

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Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara
The present study on "Economic analysis of watershed development programme in Palakkad district was undertaken during the year 1999-2000. The study was focused on the estimation of nature and extent of benefits realised by farmers after the watershed development programme. Data for investigation was generated through a sample survey of the project beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. Stratified random sampling was adopted for the selection of sample farmers. Out of the four completed watershed projects, two watersheds were randomly selected. From each watershed a total of 60 beneficiaries belonging to the different categories were selected. In addition to this 60 non-beneficiaries were also selected from the non-watershed area as control group, making a total sample of 180. The results of the study showed an increase in area under horticultural crops. An over all higher productivity and income generated through agriculture was observed in watershed area as compared to the non-watershed area. 1bis cannot be attributed totally to the watershed project but can also be due to the better adoption of new technology in the area. Among the constraints faced by the beneficiaries, three assume great importance, namely, (a) non-availability of irrigation water (b) lack of technical guidance and (c) lack of awareness of beneficial programme. The analysis on strengths/weaknesses of the programme indicated that co-operation of farmers was the major strength of the programme. The problem in timely distribution of inputs was found to be an important weakness of the programme. Thus it is evident that the Watershed Development Programme was able to bring about improvement in living condition among its beneficiaries and also among different categories of farmers. Incentives given to beneficiaries have played prime role in influencing technological changes among beneficiaries, besides management orientation. There is need to gIve due importance for the above factors with suitable changes by the watershed staff to promote successful implementation of watershed development programme.