Construction and comparison of the efficiency of different selection indices for malabari goats

dc.contributor.advisorRaghavan, K C
dc.contributor.authorRani, Alex
dc.description.abstractThe study was conducted with the objective of optimizing the genetic improvement of Malabari goat population in North Kerala by adopting an index method of selection incorporating various growth traits and peak yield of dam. Present study was undertaken on 1055 records of animals born from August 2005 to August 2008 from the farmers’ flocks of AICRP on goats for Malabari goats. Effect of non-genetic factors on body weight and body measurements at below one, three and six months of age was analyzed. Effect of centre and sex had significant influence on body weight and body measurements of all the ages studied. Type of birth had significant effect on body weight and measurements at below one and three months of age, but the same was non significant at six months of age except for body length. Year of birth had significant effect on body weights at third and sixth month, where as the effect of season was significant for body weight at below one and three months of age. But the effects of these factors on body measurements were significant at all the ages studied. Milk production in Malabari goats was recorded as peak yield and the mean peak yield recorded was 1237.62± 75.44 ml. The effects of centre, year and season of kidding had significant influence on peak yield. A high percentage of multiple births (75.71%) was recorded in the in the total population under study during the period for Malabari goats. The percentage of multiple births was higher in Tanur (79.29%) than in other centres. Heritability estimates were high for body weight and measurements at below one and six months of age and for peak yield also, whereas for three months of age they were low to moderate. Correlations between the traits were positive in almost all cases. The relative economic values of various traits were derived. Taking into consideration the heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations as well as relative economic value, selection indices were constructed. Selection indices were developed by incorporating body weight and body measurements at below one, three and six months of age. Index with all the traits under study (I11) was expected to achieve more genetic gain in body weight at six months of age in all the groups. By taking into consideration, the rIH and aggregate economic genetic gain also, the same index was found to be the best in each group. Among the groups, the index with pooled data was considered to be most reliable and expected to achieve more gain in body weight at six months (1.490 kg) of age. Restricted selection indices by imposing restriction on body weight at below one month were also constructed. Effective restriction was possible in all the cases. The genetic advancement in all other characters due to selection of goats based on this index was comparatively less to that obtained with the index without restriction. To increase milk production along with body weight, a selection index was constructed with dam’s peak yield as a trait along with the growth traits of progeny.en_US
dc.keywordsAnimal breedingen_US
dc.publisherDepartment of Animal Breeding, Genetics and Biostatistics, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthyen_US
dc.subAnimal Genetics and Breeding
dc.titleConstruction and comparison of the efficiency of different selection indices for malabari goatsen_US