Crop productivity and weed dynamics under different crop establishment methods and residue management strategies in rice (Oryza sativa L.) – wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system

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Punjab Agricultural University
The study “Crop productivity and weed dynamics under different crop establishment methods and residue management strategies in rice (Oryza sativa L.) – wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system” consisted of two field experiments. Experiment I „Influence of crop establishment, crop residues and herbicides on weed dynamics and crop productivity under direct-seeded and puddletransplanted rice-wheat cropping systems‟ was conducted in split-plot design with three methods of rice establishment i.e. direct seeded rice (DSR) after cover crop (surface mulch) of Crotalaria juncea, puddled transplanted rice (after incorporation of Crotalaria juncea) and puddled transplanted rice (PTR) in main plots. In sub-plots, combination of two method of in-situ rice straw management (incorporation-using Super Seeder (SS); retention on surface-using PAU Happy Seeder (HS) and two weed control treatments (in wheat) i.e. unsprayed control, metribuzin 42 % + clodinafop12 % at 270 g ha-1 (as post-emergence). Experiment II „Effect of methods of sowing, weed control and timing of first irrigation on weed dynamics and productivity of direct seeded rice and wheat in a rice-wheat cropping system‟ was conducted in a split-split plot design with sowing methods (flat bed and raised bed) in main plots, timing of first irrigation [7 and 21 days after sowing (DAS) for rice; 28 and 42 DAS for wheat] in sub plots and four weed control (for rice and wheat) treatments in sub-sub plots. Weed control treatments in rice consisted of viz. pendimethalin 750 g a.i. followed by (fb) bispyribac-Na at 25 g a.i./ha, pendimethalin 750 g a.i. fb cyhalofop butyl 5.1% + penoxsulam 1.02% at 135 g a.i/.ha, integrated weed management (pendimethalin 750 g a.i. fb bispyribac-Na 25 g a.i./ha + one hand weeding) and unsprayed control. In wheat, it consisted of viz. metribuzin 42 % + clodinafop 12 % at 270 g ha-1 at 35, 45 and 55 DAS and unsprayed control. The field experiments were conducted at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Expt II) and at village Ghawaddi (Ludhiana) (Expt I and II) during Kharif and Rabi seasons of 2019-20 and 2020-21. The experimental soils at Ludhiana was loamy sand, 0.40% organic matter and normal in reaction. At Ghawaddi, the soil was sandy loam, 0.50% organic matter and normal in reaction. The results indicated that in case of RICE, DSR sown with HS (C. juncea as surface mulch) provided similar rice grain yield and yield attributes PTR (with green manuring of C. juncea)); both these treatments provided significantly higher grain yield than PTR (without green manure). DSR sown on flat beds, in a Tarr-Wattar field (workable but high soil moisture) recorded grain yield similar to tar-wattar DSR sown on raised beds. First irrigation to TarrWattar DSR, sown on flat bed as well as raised bed, at 21 DAS, provided grain yield similar to first irrigation at 7 DAS. In DSR, integration of pre- and post- emergence herbicides with one hand weeding recorded the best weed control. In case of WHEAT, sowing with HS (paddy residues retained as surface mulch) had lower weeds and it provided significantly higher grain yield than sowing with SS (paddy residues incorporated), both under unsprayed as well as recommended herbicide treatments. In HS wheat, sowing on flat beds had lower weeds and it recorded significantly higher grain yield than sowing on raised beds. First irrigation to HS wheat at 42 DAS recorded similar grain yield and lower weeds than first irrigation at 28 DAS. In HS wheat, herbicide application from 45-55 DAS provided better weed control and significantly higher grain yield than its application at 35 DAS.
Jasvir Singh (2023). Crop productivity and weed dynamics under different crop establishment methods and residue management strategies in rice (Oryza sativa L.) – wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.