Identification and validation of molecular markers linked to loose smut resistance in near isogenic lines in the background of PBW343

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-
Loose smut (Ustilago segetum tritici), an internally seed borne disease, causes 100 per cent losses in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Development of molecular markers and understanding the genetic aspects of resistance to U. tritici resistant wheat lines are major breakthroughs to utilise the loose smut resistance genes in breeding programmes. Therefore, two NIL populations derived from W 5100 x PBW 343 and W 4461 x PBW 343 were phenotyped against loose smut using standardized go-go method using two U. tritici isolates T11 and T34. The genetic analysis revealed that segregation of resistant and susceptible NILs had goodness of fit to the expected segregation ratio of 1R: 1S for both the crosses against both the races. This clearly indicated that a single dominant gene to be responsible for loose smut resistance in wheat in these two donors i.e. W 4461 and W 5100. The mapping of these populations for loose smut resistance in wheat following Bulk segregant analysis identified two markers Xgwm124 and Xwmc382 in NIL population derived from W 5100×PBW 343. The validation of these two markers on the individual NILs revealed the association of 1B and 2A chromosomes with loose smut resistance in the NIL W 5100×PBW 343. The NILs will be further used for fine mapping using SNP genotyping for the complete dissection of these NILs with respect to loose smut resistance.
Harpreet Singh (2020). Identification and validation of molecular markers linked to loose smut resistance in near isogenic lines in the background of PBW343 (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis) Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.