Development of ready-to-serve spiced paneer

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The present investigation was carried out to standardize the technology of ready-to-serve (RTS) spiced paneer and monitor the sensory, physico-chemical and microbiological changes during storage. Two categories of spiced paneer were prepared by marinating the paneer cubes with different levels of ginger+garlic and red pepper+black pepper separately in thick curd with cumin, coriander, salt and sugar. Selected two formulations were left for 60, 120 and 180 minutes for maturation. Marinated paneer samples were packed in multilayer polyethylene pouches and given heat treatment at 15 psi for 10, 15 and 20 minutes. The RTS spiced paneer formulations were stored at room temperature (16-25°c) and samples were drawn for analysis on 0th day, 15th day and 30th day respectively to observe the sensory, physico-chemical and microbiological changes during storage. On the basis of sensory attributes two best formulations i.e. 10 per cent ginger + 5 per cent garlic and 1.25 per cent red pepper + 0.25 per cent black pepper, 60 minutes as maturation time and 10 minutes heat treatment time were selected. Sensory evaluation revealed that RTS spiced paneer, when freshly prepared was ‘liked very much’ by the judges in both the categories (with and without heat treatment). After 15 days of storage, scores were around 6.0 and above, which means the samples were ‘liked slightly’ by the judges and thereafter scores decreased and judges found the samples to have an off-flavour and were therefore rejected. Moisture content and pH had shown a decreasing trend while free fatty acid (% oleic acid) and acidity (% lactic acid) had shown an increasing trend during entire period of storage for all the paneer samples. During storage period, standard plate count increased to the level of almost 4 log cycle whereas spore former count increased at the rate of one log cycle in all the paneer samples. It was concluded from the results that both the formulations of RTS spiced paneer had 15 days shelf life at room temperature.
Paneer, Spice marination, Heat treatment, Sensory attributes, Shelf life