Effect of energy treatments and hydropriming on seed quality during storage, crop establishment and yield of chick pea

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
In the present investigation, three separate experiments were conducted in which first two experiments were performed at Seed Physiology lab, Department of agronomy, college of Agriculture, G.B. Pant university of Agriculture and Technology. The seeds of chickpea were treated with magnetic field of 100-250 mT for 1-4 hours and BK RYM treatment for 1-4 hours, both at the step of one hour. In experiment No. 1 screening of various energy treatments was done to find out the optimum energy field and its exposure duration to invigorate the seeds of chickpea. Magnetic field of 100 and 200 mT for one hour and BK RYM for 2 and 4 hours resulted in higher germination, growth, vigour and biochemical activities compared to untreated seeds. These treatments were selected for the further experimentation of this study. In experiment No. 2, one year old and freshly harvested seeds treated with selected strength and duration of energy field and hydropriming (for 8 hours) were stored for six months in cloth bag covered with polythene bags at 8% moisture and observations of their physiological and bio chemical activities were recorded on the bi- monthly basis. Magnetic field of 200 mT for one hour, BK RYM treatment for 2 hours and hydropriming showed superior result over untreated seeds in the entire duration of storage. In experiment No. 3 Chickpea seeds treated with selected strength and duration of energy field and hydroprimed seeds(for 8 hours) were sown in field during the Rabi season of 2012-13 at Breeder Crop Research Center, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology to find out the effect of seed invigoration techniques on crop establishment and yield. Seeds treated with 8 hours hydropriming, 200 mT magnetic field for one hour and BK RYM treatment for 2 hours emerge earlier, had more plant population, more number of branches and more pods/plant over control, however only hydropriming, and 200 mT magnetic field for one hour treatments gave significantly higher yield over control.