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ABSTRACT : Cancer is the most urgent problem of the contemporary medical field. In most of countries it is the second leading cause of the death, next to the cardiovascular disease. Neoplasm is a leading cause of death in all species. In animals dogs have highest incidence. About 45% dogs reaching middle age (6-7 years) will either develop a tumour, suffer medical complication as a result of tumour, or die as a result of neoplastic disease so there is need to emphasise on canine neoplasms. The present study was carried out to know age, breed and sex wise incidence of canine neoplasms in and around Hyderarabad and samples were collected from different hospitals after surgical incision. Immunohistochemistry was carried out to know the proliferating activity in different tumours. A total of 68 samples were collected, out of which 31 (45.59%) were benign and 37 (54.41%) were malignant tumours. Tumours were classified into epithelial 40 (58.83%), mesenchymal 20 (29.40%), round cell 5 (7.36%) and mixed tumours 3 (4.41%). The highest risk of development of various tumours was found in the age group of 7-9 years, followed by 4-6 years, above 9 years and below 3 years and the incidence was 29 (42.65%), 20 (29.41%), 19 (27.94%) and 1 (1.47%) respectively. The frequency of occurrence of neoplasms was slightly higher in females 38 (55.88%) compared to the males 30 (44.12%). Among the breeds affected Pomaranian breed represented more with 18 (26.50%) followed by non-descriptive 16 (23.52%), German Shepherd 16 (23.52%), Labrador 6 (8.82%), Doberman 6 (8.82%) Dachshund and Rottweiler 2 (2.94%), each one of Collie and Great Dane (1.47%). The organ wise incidence of tumours, included skin and mesenchymal tumours 29 (42.65%), mammary tumours 17 (25.0%), joint and bone tumours 9 (13.23%), vaginal tumours 5 (7.35%), testicular tumours 4 (5.88%), vulva and penis 3 (4.41%), ovarian tumours 2 (2.94%) and each one of transitional cell carcinoma and prostatic carcinoma (1.47%). Benign tumours include, fibroma 3 (4.42%), sebaceous gland adenoma 2 (2.94%), perianal gland adenoma 2 (2.94%), papilloma 2 (2.94%), melanoma 2 (2.94%), canine cutaneous histiocytoma 2 (2.94%), benign mammary tumours 2 (2.94%), hemangiopericytoma 2 (2.94%), lipoma 2 (2.94%), fibromatous epulis 2 (2.94%), mammary gland adenoma 1 (1.47%), apocrine gland adenoma 1 (1.47%), anal sac adenoma1 (1.47%) myxoma 1 (1.47%) and hemangioma 1 (1.47%), kaposi like tumour 1 (1.47%), leiomyoma 1 (1.47%), fibroleiomyoma 1 (1.47%), fibromyxoma 1 (1.47%), and fibrolipomyxoma 1 (1.47%). Malignant tumours included mammary gland carcinoma 14 (20.59%), squamous cell carcinoma 3 (4.42%), transmissible venereal tumour 3(4.41%), sertoli cell tumour 3 (4.41%), fibrosarcoma 2 (2.94%), osteosarcoma 2 (2.94%), ovarian adeno carcinoma 2 (2.94%), basal cell carcinoma 1 (1.47%), malignant melanoma 1 (1.47%), seminoma 1 (1.47%), prostatic carcinoma 1 (1.47%), transitional cell carcinoma 1 (1.47%), chondrosarcoma 1 (1.47%), rhabdomyosarcoma 1 (1.47%) and lymphangiosarcoma 1 (1.47%). Oxidative stress is the central mechanism in the pathogenesis of many diseases including cancer. The present study included the estimation of TBARS, SOD, catalase, GSH and GST. The TBARS, SOD, GSH, GST and catalase levels significantly (P<0.05) increased in the tumour tissue compared to the normal tissues. The number of AgNOR’s had been associated with cell proliferation. The mean AgNOR dots varied from 2.81±1.02 to 16.89±2.58 in individual tumour. The mean number of AgNOR in benign tumours was significantly (P>0.05) lower than the malignant tumours.. The lowest AgNOR count was observed in adenoma of mammary gland (2.81±1.02) and highest in cutaneous histiocytoma (16.89±2.58). In case of mammary tumours highest AgNOR counts was recorded in anaplastic carcinoma of mammary gland (10.58±2.67). PCNA was associated with the cell proliferation in different tumours. The mean PCNA positive nuclei in tumour tissues varied from 8.23±1.25 to 437.95±8.54. The lowest PCNA index was observed in myxoma while highest PCNA index was observed in cutaneous histiocytoma. The mean number of PCNA positive nuclei in benign tumours was significantly (P<0.05) lower than the malignant tumours. Anaplastic (336.95±6.98) and solid (221.38±4.78) mammary adenocarcinomas showed highest PCNA counts than cystic papillary (93.15±7.89) and tubular adenocarcinomas (77.42±5.74). There exist a significant (P<0.01) correlation between AgNOR counts and PCNA index.