Management of Major Sucking Insect Pests of Cluster bean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.]

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College of Agriculture, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University
Cluster bean, [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, (L.) Taub.] commonly known as guar, is an important drought hardy leguminous crop of arid and semi-arid areas. It is grown for various purposes, viz., vegetable, green fodder, green manuring and seed. Now-a-days, it has acquired the status of industrial crop because of high galacto-manan content (gum) in the endosperm of its seed (28-33 %) which has multiple industrial uses, viz., textiles, paper, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, food processing, cosmetics, mining explosives, oil drilling etc. thus making it a main foreign exchange earner. Being a leguminous crop, its primary use is in soil health enrichment through atmospheric nitrogen fixation, on average basis it has been estimated that it may fix nearly 30 kg N ha -1 . Further, more the plant has a tendency to shed most of the leaves at the time of maturity, it also increases the organic carbon in the soil which also elevate organic carbon level that is the major concern under the arid areas. Young pods of cluster bean are used as vegetables for human being. It is a rich source of vitamin A, calcium, iron, phosphorous and ascorbic acid for human being and animals. Cluster bean provides very palatable and nutritious fodder as a guar meal (feed) to the animals. It is a rich source of protein but low in TDN values. Cluster bean fodder contains about 16-20 per cent crude protein, 46 per cent TDN, 11-13 per cent DCP and more than 70 per cent digestibility on dry matter basis.