Influence of phosphorus and zinc on wheat yield and release behaviour of P and Zn in soils

dc.contributor.advisorRohtas Kumar
dc.contributor.authorFogat, Sunitha
dc.description.abstractThe present study entitled “Influence of phosphorus and zinc on wheat yield and release behaviour of P and Zn in soils” was carried out during rabi season 2018-19 in the Department of Soil Science, CCS HAU, Hisar (Haryana). A pot experiment was conducted using wheat (variety WH 1105) as test cop with five levels of P (0, 30, 60, 120 and 180 mg P kg-1) and four level of Zn 0, 2.5, 5 and 10 mg Zn kg-1) in two different P status soils. Both the soils were neutral in reaction and non-saline. The OC of low P status soils was 0.15%, CEC 4.46 cmol (p+) kg-1available N, P and K content 28, 8 and 112 kg ha-1, respectively. The OC content of high P status soils was 0.62%, CEC 9.28 cmol (p+) kg-1, available N, P and K content 182, 25 and 430 kg ha-1, respectively. The DTPA extractable Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn content in soil was 0.30, 1.94, 2.11 and 2.48 mg kg-1 in low P status soil whereas corresponding value of these parameters in high P status soil was 0.72, 3.08, 18.74 and 10.26 mg kg-1. The texture of low and high P status soil was sandy and sandy loam. In low P status soil, significantly higher yield of grain and straw (7.84 and 10.11g pot-1, respectively) was recorded with the application of 30 mg P kg-1 + 10 mg Zn kg-1 over control. In high P status soil, in Zn treatment, maximum grain and straw yield (8.23 and 10.73 g pot-1, respectively) was recorded at 10 mg Zn kg-1 level. In both types of soils, the application of different level of P and Zn did not have any significant effect on N, K and protein content of grain and straw. In P treatment, the highest content of P in grain and straw in both soils was recorded with application of highest level of P (180 mg kg-1) and in Zn treatment, similar was true for Zn content. In low P status soil, the uptake of N and K by grain was maximum (9.70 and 4.87 mg pot-1, respectively) in 60 mg P kg-1 + 10 mg Zn kg-1 treatment. In case of high P status soil, maximum N uptake by grain (14.16 mg pot-1) was recorded in 120 mg P kg-1 + 10 mg Zn kg-1 treatment, while K uptake by grain was recorded highest (4.78 mg pot-1) in 120 mg P kg-1 + 10 mg Zn kg-1. In low and high P status soil, the maximum P uptake by grain (2.36 and 2.88 mg pot-1) was recorded in 120 mg P kg-1 + 10 mg Zn kg-1 and 180 mg P kg-1 + 10 mg Zn kg-1 treatment, respectively. The maximum Zn uptake by grain (195.03 μg pot-1) in low P status soil was recorded in 120 mg P kg-1 + 10 mg Zn kg-1.But in high P status soil it was recorded maximum (236.82 μg pot-1) in 10 mg Zn kg-1 treatment. Among the various P fractions Ca-P was the predominating fraction in both soils. The order of relative abundance of different P fractions in both soil was Ca-P > Org-P > Al-P > Fe-P > Red-P > Saloid-P. The distribution of various Zn fraction in low and high P status soil was in the order RES-Zn > Fe/MnOX-Zn > ORG-Zn > CAR-Zn > WSEX-Zn. In incubation study, the content of available P release from soil increased up to 21 and 28 days in low and high P status soil and then decreased with further increase in incubation period. Whereas, the content of DTPA-extractable Zn released from both types of soils decreased with increase in incubation period. In both soils, the content of various P fractions consistently increased with increasing incubation period up to 28 DAI and then decreased in the later period of incubation, whereas content of Zn fractions decreased consistently with increase in incubation period. In general, the content of different P and Zn fractions was found higher in high P status soil as compared to low P status soil.en_US
dc.keywordsWheat crop, Low P status soil, High P status soil, P fraction, Zn fraction, Incubation study, Nutrient concentration and Protein contenten_US
dc.publisherCCSHAU, Hisaren_US
dc.subSoil Sciencesen_US
dc.themeInfluence of phosphorus and zinc on wheat yield and release behaviour of P and Zn in soilsen_US
dc.titleInfluence of phosphorus and zinc on wheat yield and release behaviour of P and Zn in soilsen_US
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