Nutrient deficiency in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.)-nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

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Kerala Agricultural University
Detailed studies were conducted in black pepper (var. PanniyuM) from 1983 to 1985 at the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara with a view to induce deficiency symptoms of N, P and K by sand culture. Deficiency symptoms of all the three nutrients studied were first manifested on the older leaves. Symptoms of N deficiency were expressed as uniform yellowing followed by necrosis whereas purple to bronze yellowing with ash coloured necrotic areas were the symptoms of P deficiency. Potassium deficiency was characterised by tip and marginal necrosis which later progressed to the two-thirds distal portion of the lamina. There was profound reduction in vegetative growth due to deficiency of N and P. The reduction in shoot growth and leaf area index was maximum in the case of deficiency of N (56% and 63%) followed by P (32% and 2%). The reduction in root growth was quite high due to deficiency of P (45%) followed by N (39%). The growth of vine was completely arrested at comparatively early stage (6th month after treatment) due to N deficiency followed by P (13th month). There was no cessation of growth in the case of deficiency of K. Visual symptoms of deficiencies concurred with a marked reduction in the foliar levels of the concerned elements. Initial symptoms of deficiency were manifested when the foliar level was reduced to 2.45 per cent in the case of N, 0.20 per cent in P and 2,10 per cent in K. Antagonistic effect of K with Ca and Mg was also observed. The deficiency symptoms could be recovered by the application of the deficient nutrient element.
Agricultural Research Journal of Kerala, 24(2), 132-150.