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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand-6
A total 1905 cases of surgical condition have been brought at department of Vet. Surgery and Radiology, Ranchi Veterinary College, Kanke, Ranchi from May 2017 to June, 2018. Out of 1905 cases, urolithiasis have been found in 50 cases (2.62 %) comprising of 36 cases of caprine (goats) (72%), 6 cases of cattle / calves (12%) and 8 cases of dogs (16%). Maximum numbers of cases from ruminants (42) , age group varied from 6 months – 1year were affected more with high percentage of 57.14 %. Among the total ruminants affected with urolithiasis, 92.85% were castrated and 7.15% were intact. Most of the cases were reported in the month of summer (52.38%) followed by winter and rainy seasons. Wheat bran (Chokar) was the major diet or constituent of feeding materials in maximum number of urethral obstruction in ruminants. Out of 42 ruminants affected with urolithiasis, only 22 animals (52.38 %) were treated by local veterinarian with the use of lasix and cystone tab etc, without successful outcome. Out of 42 cases of ruminants, 15 cases of goats and 5 cases of bovine/buffalo calves showing the complete urethral obstruction has been screened and selected for tube cystostomy procedure as a treatment of urolithiasis. Heart rate, respiration rate and rectal temperature showed the progressive and significantly decrease (P<0.05) from 48 hrs onwards at different intervals upto 96 hrs of operation as compared to base value. Rectal temperature showed the nonsignificant decrease (p>0.05) at different intervals of observation. The value of SAP and DAP recorded at 96 hrs of observation exhibited significant fall (p<0.05) as compared to base value. MAP value measured at 48 and 72 hrs exhibited significant decrease (p<0.05) as compared to base value. Onpresentation of 15 goats affected with urolithiasis, Mean ± SE value of haemoglobin, PCV, TLC and neutrophils recorded before operation was significantly higher (p<0.05) which decline progressively and returned towards normalcy by the end of treatment. Marked lymphopenia have been recorded in 15 goats affected with urolithiasis. However there were progressive increases in lymphocytes after the treatment. The values of BUN, creatinine, total serum protein and alkaline phosphatase were significantly elevated following urethral obstruction in goats. However after treatment these were decline progressively and returned near to the reference value by the 96 hrs. Hypoglycemia was the consistent finding before tube cystostomy in all the animal affected with obstructive urolithiasis which returned to normal level by the end of observation.The swelling, pain and exudation were subsided after 24hrs of observation and the scoring value recorded at 96 hrs exhibited significant fall (p<0.05) as compared to the value recorded at 24hrs. Urine pH recorded at different time intervals following tube cystostomy in goats were expressed as non-significant variation (P>0.05). Urinary protein recorded before treatment was significantly high (p<0.05). However, after treatment the protein level in the urine progressively fall after wards at different intervals of observation. The value of reduced glutathione was increased at different intervals till the end of observation after treatment of animals which showing highly significant (P<0.01) from 72 hrs as compared to base value. The value of superoxide dismutase (U/mgHb) also showed progressive increase at different intervals of observation following tube cystostomy in goats. The value recorded on 24hrs onwards after treatment showed significant elevation as compared to base value. The initial value of catalase after the treatment progressed to increase at different time intervals. The value recorded at 24 hrs just after the treatment did not exhibited significant variation whereas the catalase value at 48, 72 and 96 hrs of observation exhibited highly significant and elevated as compared to pretreatment value. In contrast with the report of catalase, SOD and GSH, the MDA value (Lipid peroxidation) exhibited progressive decrease at different intervals after the treatment. The catalase value observed from 24 hrs onwards upto 96 hrs recorded highly significant fall (p<0.01) as compared to base line value. Bovine /Buffalo calves Statistically heart rate, respiration rate values exhibited significantly higher value but remained within the physiological limits. After the treatment, these values were decline progressively and returned to normal or near normal level by the end of treatment (96 hrs). A consistent hypothermia has been noticed in all the animals throughout the observations but within normal physiological range. The haemato biochemical parameters viz. Hb, PCV, TLC, Neutrophils, BUN, creatinine, total protein, alkaline phosphatase were recorded to be high level before treatment which tend to decline after treatment. Lymphocytes % was progressively increased at different intervals of observation. However, the value of lymphocytes measured on 96 hrs were significantly high (75.87±6.96 %) as compared to the base value. Similar trend of variation in the neutrophils has been observed but in opposite to lymphocytes. The value of lymphocytes at 96 hrs exhibited significant fall (p<0.05) as compared to the base value. A hypoglycaemic state has been observed in all the animals with findings of serum glucose with the value of 48.42±8.50 mg/dl. Although, after treatment the level of blood glucose exhibited progressive increase at different intervals of observation and returned toward normalcy in the range of physiological limits. There were transient and non- significant decreases in urine pH at different intervals of observation. More reduction in urine pH was observed at 48 hrs. Protein level in urine was qualitatively noted to very high before the tube cystostomy procedure. However, it was progressively decrease at different intervals of observation and returned to almost in traces by end of observation (96 hrs). The value of reduced GSH was initially low which progressed to increased at different intervals following treatment of urolithiatic animals. The value recorded at from 24 hrs onwards at different intervals exhibited significant increase (p<0.05) with that of pre-treatment value. The value observed on 96 hrs showed highly significant elevation (p<0.01) as compared to base line value. Super oxide dismutase level before treatment in animal affected with urolithiasis was decreased and after treatment, the SOD showed the progressive increase at different intervals of observation. The value on 72 and 96 hrs of observation showed marked and significant increase (P<0.01) with that of pretreatment value. There was progressive increase in the catalase enzyme at different intervals of observation following tube cystostomy in calves. The value of catalase activity was recorded from 48th day onwards upto 96 hrs exhibited significant elevation (p<0.01) as compared to the base value. In contrast with catalase , the MDA level (Lipid per oxidation) was found be increased before treatment and it level became down at different intervals with the value estimated to be 2.60±0.15 nmol/mgHb as compared to pre-treatment value (5.42 ±0.16 nmol/mg Hb). Swelling, pain and exudation was more marked on 24 hrs which decreased after in both the species but it persisted in calves up to the end of observation. Out 15 goats, 5 goats had rupture of bladder and 10 had intact bladder. The goats having intact bladder showed tensed bladder and colour change varied from pink to bluish with rough surface of bladder. In calf, 3 cases presented with rupture of bladder where as in two cases bladder was intact.The calf presented with intact bladder showed much tensed bladder with haemorragic appearance. Calculi from the ruptured bladder has been removed which varied from pasty and sticky, sandy to multiple white concretions. In goats, the tube cystostomy was completed with mean operation time of 33.66±2.21 min. The mean ± SE value for completion of tube cystostomy procedure was quite high in calves which recorded to be 56.00±6.96 min. Post - operatively, time for removal of Foley’s catheter was found to be 15.07±1.03 days (12-25 days), respectively in goats as compared to calves , in which it was observed to be 18.50 ±2.25 days (15-25 day). In goats, complication like tube blockage was evident in 5 cases, accidental removal of tube in one case, wound dehiscene in 4 cases along with other complication, presence of pus in the subcutaneous tract of catheter with damage of tube in 5 cases. Recovery was found in 80% cases of goats and 60% cases of calves. . It is concluded that the tube cystostomy is a quick, practicable and reliable procedure of choice for the management of obstructive urolithiasis in young male goats and calves of any age groups at field level. This technique is also effective in faster decrease in oxidative stress and helpful in early recovery by repair of damage cells and removal of toxic substances.