Exploratory study on entrepreneurial behaviour and adoption of production technology by the chilli growers of Punjab.

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
The study entitled „An exploratory study on entrepreneurial behaviour and adoption of production technology by the chilli growers of Punjab‟ was undertaken with the objective to know the entrepreneurial behaviour of chilli growers, to assess the extent of adoption and to identify the constraints faced by the farmers. The study was conducted in the four districts of Punjab. From each selected district, 30 farmers were randomly selected, thus making a total of 120 respondents. Data was collected by personally visiting the study area and interviewing the farmers. Study revealed that the majority of the respondents were matriculated possessed medium operational land holding and medium level of extension contacts. The study revealed that the majority of the chilli growers possess a medium level of entrepreneurial behaviour with a mean score of 64.88 on eight selected attributes. It was found that nearly sixty of the respondents adopted CH-27, a variety recommended by PAU which had also covered the maximum area. Farmers have also grown several private varieties and purchased the chilli seed from private companies. Majority of chilli growers adopted recommended seed rate and sowing time practices while deviated from recommended crop spacing practices. Chilli growers were applying more than recommended doses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassic fertilizers. More than half of the chilli growers had applied more than the recommended number of irrigations. Majority (52.50%) of the chilli growers had a medium overall adoption index regarding recommended chilli production technology whereas 30 per cent of the farmers had high adoption index. Scarcity of labour at the time of picking, fluctuation in marketing prices, costly hybrid seed, problems in identifying the pests or diseases and poor quality produce due to rains were the most severe constraints as perceived by the chilli growers. Education, experience in chilli cultivation, mass media exposure, extension contacts and social participation had positive and significant relationship with adoption index. Results of the regression analysis revealed a positive and significant relationship between the entrepreneurial behaviour index and adoption index.
Sunidhi (2022). Exploratory study on entrepreneurial behaviour and adoption of production technology by the chilli growers of Punjab (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.