Production and Marketing Of Major Vegetables In Kanke Block Of Ranchi District, Bihar

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
1. It was revealed that the area devoted under vegetables were 32.04, 30.80 and 35.92 percent of the total gross cropped area on marginal small and medium size group of the farms respectively. It was found that cauliflower and tomato were grown all the year around in the study area. It was observed that cauliflower was grown on large scale as compared to cabbage and tomato on all size group of the farms. 2. It was revealed that the area devoted under other crops (excluding majar vegetables) were 67.96, 69.20 and 64.88 percent of the total gross cropped area on marginal small and medium size group of the farms respectively in the area under investigation. It was observed that in the study area, low lands which was not considered suitable for vegetable cultivation due to water logging conditions. were exclusively devoted to other crops. 3. The benefit cost ratio of cauliflower was Rs. 4.29, 5.44 an 4.67 on marginal, small and medium size group of farms respectively. In case of cabbage, benefit- cost ratio was in order of Rs. 2.60, 2.80, and 2.78 where as in case of tomato it was in order of Rs. 3.83, 4.23, 4.12 on marginal small and medium size group of farms respectively. The study revealed that the return per rupee investment was higher in case of cauliflower as compared to cabbage and tomato cultivation in all size group of the farms. It was also revealed that the return per rupees investment was higher on small farm as compared to marginal and medium farms in the area under investigation. 4. The study shows that par farm net return obtained from vegetable was 78.53, 83.64 and 86.73 percent of the total return on marginal small and medium size group of farms respectively. It was found that the net return was higher on medium farm as compared to marginal and small size group of the farms. as revealed that the production of cauliflower was found 5. It was revealed to be more remunerative as compared to cabbage and tomato. 6. It was observed that vegetable cultivation had greater impact on net farm income. It was revealed that more than 75 percent of the total income was derived from vegetable production in all size groups of the farms in the area under investigation. 7. The study shows that about 60 percent of the farmers preferred to sell vegetables through channel I over channel II in all size group of the farms in the study area. 8. It was found that producer's share in consumer's rupee was 76.21, 74.04 and 68.22 percent in the cauliflower cabbage and tomato respectively. It was observed that producer's share was higher in case of cauliflower as compared to cabbage and tomato. 9. The most important constraints faced by the farmers were unorganized marketing and low prices paid to farmers, malpractices high and un-due marketing margins and costs in the market, lack of processing units and co-operative societies, lack of village road and sufficient and low cost transportation facilities, lack of mechanical grading, packing and proper storage facilities and lack of market news.