Economics of production and marketing of Kesar Mango in export zone of Marathwada region of Maharashtra
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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) known as ‘king of fruits’ belongs to
family Anacardiaceae, originated in South East Asia. During 2010-11, total area
under mango in world was 4946 mha with a production of 37.12 million tons. In
India area under mango was 2.297mha with production of 15.188 million tones
and' productivity of 6.6 Mts per hectare.While area coverd by mango in
Maharashtra was 0.477 mha and production is 0.71 mts with productivity 1.6
tonns per hectare. Kesar is one of the finest varieties of Indian mangoes and is
rated to be the best at the home and abroad. In 2010-11, India exported around
57545.18 tonn of fresh mangoes. Multistage sampling design was used in
selection of respondents. Cross sectional data for the study were collected from
the 60 sample farmers who registered for export the kesar mango for year 2010-
11.The techniques like tabular analysis, linear multiple regression analysis, nonlinear
multiple regression analysis,frequency and percentage method were used to
analyse the data.The results revealed that, about 71.67 per cent kesar mango
growers belonged to middle age group having small family size and educated
upto college level and agriculture as main occupation. Per farm land holding was
4.45 hectare. Socio-economic characteristics like land holding, livestock and age
of farmer were positively influencing kesar mango productivity. Kesar mango
was dominating crop in the cropping pattern. The cost of establishment per
hectare was found to be Rs.297225.40 and cost of cultivation was Rs.256823.20.
Output-input ratio was 1.57 in kesar mango production. The elasticity of
production with respect to nitrogen, manure and number of irrigation showed
positively significant. It inferred that there was scope to increase these resources
in kesar mango production.
NPW was positive, BCR 2.16 and IRR 38.42, PBP 8 years and
N/K ratio was 4.23, indicating investments in kesar mango orchard were highly
profitable, economically feasible and financially viable. It was observed that
producer’s share in consumer’s rupee was more in channel-I followed by channel-
II and channel- III. The quantity of mango exported to countries such as
Bangladesh, Kuwait, UK, and group of other countries showed positive and
significant growth. Fresh mango export was highly competitive in Kuwait while
highly non competitive in Bangladesh. Major constraints faced by farmers were
effect of heavy rains, winds and hail stone during flowering and fruit setting
time.Important suggestions made by farmers were provision of regular electricity
supply on farm and provision of finance for purchasing referigerated vans.