Prevalence, clinico-biochemical and therapeutics of diabetes mellitus in dogs

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Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar
Diabetes mellitus is not a single disease or condition with a solitary cause or treatment. It is the state of persistent uncontrolled hyperglycaemia and may be the result of many contributory factors. The dogs were screened for their random blood glucose level by portable glucometer. There 948 dogs were screened and out of these 34 dogs were found positive for diabetes. The overall prevalence rate of studied dog population: 34/948=3.5%. The prevalence study reveals that the incidence rate of occurrence of this endocrinopathy has taken an increasing trend. The Labrador and Pug breeds of dogs are showing increase incidence rate significantly compared to others. It is mainly a disease of middle-aged and older dogs. Juvenile onset diabetes is uncommon in dogs, and in our series of 34 affected animals, only 2 were less than 12 months of age. The prevalence of diabetes is significantly lower in dogs which are exposed to exercise and Physical inactivity is one of the risk factor for development of DM in dogs. More dependence on commercial pet food and high-fat diets are one of the risk factors for increasing prevalence rate of DM in dogs. Concurrent illness is a contributing factor for development of DM in dogs. The obesity is a high risk factor for diabetes in dogs as it creates insulin resistance like in human being. The clinical features of diabetic dogs were encountered loss of body weight, appetite, increased frequency of urination, water intake, dullness, cataract, blindness. There is hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia in diabetic dogs in comparison to healthy dogs. ALP, ALT and AST are markedly increased in diabetic dogs, as compared to healthy. This study revealed a significant decreased in the activity of the total antioxidant capacity in R.B.Cs of diabetic dog than normal subject indicating diabetic dogs were suffering from oxidative stress due to hyperglycemia. Humisulin-30/70 was administered to the diabetic dogs @1.0 IU/kg bw twice daily in sub cutaneously by insulin syringe. The dogs with juvenile diabetes needed extra insulin as they were growing and gaining body weight. Blood glucose level was significantly lower in GS, Vit E combination group in compare to only insulin-treated group. The hypoglycaemic effect was due to GS is established. The increased liver function parameters ALP, ALT and AST in diabetic dogs were subsided in all treated groups. But combination of GS and Vit E along with insulin administered groups showed better improvement in hepatic stress. There was significant reduction serum triglyceride and cholesterol level in combination group compared to only insulin treated dogs showing hypolipidemic effect of GS and Vit E. GS and Vit E has shown better oxidative stress reducing capacity in terms of reduced plasma free radicals biomarker (MDA), catalase and GSH levels in diabetic dogs treated with GS and Vit E., indicating its protective role against oxidative stress in of Gymnema sylvestre leaf exhibited strong antioxidant activity in the assays in comparison to only insulin treated groups. Along with insulin treatment in diabetes vitamin E and leaf of Gymnema sylvestre can be recommended as adjunct therapy.